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    加厚秋冬款兒童嬰兒拼色學步鞋 軟底鞋底足球凹凸防滑寶寶鞋批發
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    加厚秋冬款兒童嬰兒拼色學步鞋 軟底鞋底足球凹凸防滑寶寶鞋批發
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    4.寶寶宜穿寬頭鞋,以免腳趾在鞋中相互擠壓影響生長發育。鞋子最好用搭扣,不        用鞋帶,這樣穿脫方便,又不會因鞋帶脫落,踩上後跌跤。盡量不要選擇有跟及










    1 buy walking shoes is the most important size. The correct size of the baby's size is very important. Generally speaking, walking shoes
    Suitable size should be longer than the baby shoes big toe 12-16 mm, width is all flat toe distance
    There should be a gap of about 2 cm between the toes and the long toe baby, or the baby toes, toes, feet
    A finger that can be tucked into an adult.
    2 how to choose baby walking shoes:
    The quality of walking shoes should be firm, and the fabric should be soft. Cloth, cloth made of shoes is comfortable, breathable and good
    Not only comfortable, but also safe. Parents in the selection of the baby shoes, you can hand feel the soles, press
    The pressure is soft, too hard bottom shoes not only uncomfortable, will hinder the normal development of small feet.
    3 Baby Toddler shoes, must be light, the upper is higher, the best can keep the ankle with rubber soles
    Cloth bottom, non slip soles, such as walking comfortable and not easy to slip and slip shoes. Will go later, you can wear a slightly hard bottom of the shoe.
    4 children should wear a wide head, so as not to affect the growth and development of the mutual extrusion of the toes in the shoes. The best shoes with buckles, without shoes, so easy to wear off, but not for shoelaces on after the fall off. Try not to choose to have with the
    Strange shape of the shoes, the baby's bones, joints are very soft, inappropriate shoes will oppress the baby's feet,
    Which leads to deformation.
    5 regular replacement shoes, before the age of 4 feet are a year long 1cm fast growth. So every 3 months
    To measure a foot for the baby's size, or press the front shoe, feel the baby's toes to the top,
    That means that the pair of shoes should be "laid off".
    Choose the shoes to the baby is not a trivial matter, the election is the election of the health of infants and young children.





     Football pattern non slip soles, cotton fabrics, walking shoes, wearing a more breathable and comfortable, the baby is not easy to wear to learn to walk.



    M code about 10.5cm long, L code 11.5cm or so long. Manual measurement may be error.



    加厚秋冬款兒童嬰兒拼色學步鞋 軟底鞋底足球凹凸防滑寶寶鞋批發_童學步鞋_鞋_服飾、鞋帽_貨源_批發一路發
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