“BEARCAT” Shoe covers, in rain, snow, mud or outdoor explore, can protect your delicate shoes and keep your feet dry and warm forever.
Environmental PVC material has been used and new anti-wear & slip material also be included. It joins both advantages of rain shoes and disposable shoe covers and satisfies the modern people to pursue the fashion.
After wear the covers on your shoes even don’t need to change, you can keep away water, mud and protect your shoes. The cover will not deform, fall down and slip. Compared with disposable shoe covers, it can be recycled and degrade and used several times. It can remove the effects of disposable shoe covers on environment and be worn indoor and outdoor. Besides, it can be taken, cleaned and laid easily.
品牌: bearcat/貓科熊樣 毛重: 1.6kg
- 雨具種類: 高筒雨靴 適用對象: 成人
- 尺碼:6 7 8 9 貨號: T9
- 顏色分類: 黃 黑 紅 適用人數: 1人
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