SR Net
Long lasting insecticide treated mosquito nets(LLIN) is impregnated with an odourless and biodegradable insecticide called deltamethrin that is mixed in a resin, coating the netting fibres. A progressive release of insecticide from the resin guarantees retention of the net's efficacy even after 20 washes.
our bed net is environment-friendly as it reduces the total exposure of insecticide in the environment. This bed net requires no re-treatment or dipping and a dirt repellent feature has been added to keep it clean longer.
we has a WHOPES (World Health Organization Pesticide evaluation Scheme) recommendation, which declares it safe and effective for the prevention and control of malaria and other vector-borne diseases.
Net specifications:
2.Denier: 75D or 100D
3.Mesh:156mesh/inch2 or 270mesh/inch2
4.Deltamethrin Treatment: 25mg/m2-55mg/m2
and is available in various colours, shapes and sizes.
Anti malaria long lasting insecticide treated mosquito net/repellent for double bed/LLIN
1. 材料:100%滌綸,156mesh,100d 40gsm,75d 30sgm,50d 20gsm
2. 尺寸:190180x150cm,180160x150cm,180130x150cm
3. 包裝:塑料袋獨立包裝,外部壓縮打包。
4. 歡迎聯系:15868273565 馮小姐
mosquito net making
packing and shipping
湖州賽潤紡織有限公司 經銷批發的蚊帳、床幔、網佈暢銷消費者市場,在消費者當中享有較高的地位,公司與多傢零售商和代理商建立瞭長期穩定的合作關系。湖州賽潤紡織有限公司經銷的蚊帳、床幔、網佈品種齊全、價格合理。湖州賽潤紡織有限公司實力雄厚,重信用、守合同、保證產品質量,以多品種經營特色和薄利多銷的原則,贏得瞭廣大客戶的信任。
