(1) 采用優質鋁材質製作而成,加厚製作,結實耐用;易受熱,傳熱快,節約能源。
(2) 鍋內附高級不粘塗層,保證鍋底不粘,(參考標準:不放食物油或一兩滴油煎雞蛋,保證兩麵不粘鍋底)鍋底不粘,容易清洗,隻需用清水沖洗後,用海綿和抹佈輕輕一抹
(3) 鍋底采用珍珠網紋設計,能均勻散熱,節約能量;在煎食物時增加多的氧份,阻止食物營養流失,菜肴香脆美味,同時也比完全的平底鍋更適合煎炸食物!
(4) 鍋外采用進口高級耐高溫防腐漆,具抗溫防腐功效,美觀大方!
(5) 鍋底用大型壓機鐵製覆底,可用於電磁爐和煤氣。
Some useful reminders
u There are no fumes under 250℃, so cooking in a medium or small fire is advisable. Never cook without food.
u To protect non-stick effect, after one food is done, just wipe off with cleaning cloth, wash after all food is finished and the pan gets cold, or service life will be shortened.
u To prolong service life, choose nylon, wooden and smooth-edged cooking utensils.
u If kids are around, be careful.
u When deep-frying, fill the pan with some oil. This is to allow for displacement of the oil caused by the addition of food.
u Be extremely careful when moving the pan if it contains hot oil or other hot liquids.
u Do not use non-stick cookers to store food.