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    Product Name:

    Pumpkin Seed Extract

    Latin Name:


    Plant part used:


    Active Ingredient:

    Fatty acids ( Linoleic acid, for example)


    25%, 50%, 60% Fatty acids, 4:1, 10:1, 12:1

    Test Method:


    Cas No.:


    Main Function:

    Benefit Prostate and Bladder Health, EradicateIntestinal Parasites


    Brief Introduction

    Synonyms---Squash, Cucurbita pepo, Cucurbita mixta, Cucurbita maxima, Cucurbita moschata, Pepita (Pumpkin seed)

    Linoleic acid (A kind of pumpkin seed fatty acid,an unsaturated omega-6 fatty acid)

    Chemical Name:cis, cis-9, 12-octadecadienoic acid
    Molecular Formula:C18H32O2

    Mol. Wt.:280.45

    Molecular Structure:

     Structure fatty acids.jpg
    Pumpkinsare a gourd-like squashes of the genus Cucurbita and the family Cucurbitaceae (which also includes gourds). It is a common name of or can refer to cultivars of any one of the species Cucurbita pepo, Cucurbita mixta, Cucurbita maxima, and Cucurbita moschata.All Cucurbita plants are relatively large and grow on vinelike stems, producing yellow flowers,orange or yellowsquash withmany creases running from the stem to the bottom, with shell on the outside, and withseedsand pulp on the inside.

    Pumpkins (Cucurbita),many varietiesnative to North America,are cultivatedall around the world for a variety of reasons ranging from agricultural purposes to commercial and ornamental sales. Out of the seven continents, only Antarctica is unable to produce pumpkins; the biggest international producers of pumpkins include the United States, Mexico, India, and China.Well-known Cucurbita species include autumn squash, butternut squash, China squash, crookneck squash, summer squash, and the famous Halloween squash and adornment: the pumpkin (C. pepo).

    Their fruits (mostly squash) have long been used for food, and their seeds for healing.

    In health-food stores, cucurbita seeds are often sold as pumpkin seeds.Pumpkin seeds, also known as pepitas, are small, flat and oval, green, edible seeds. Most pumpkin seeds are covered by a white husk, although some pumpkin varieties produce seeds without them. Pumpkin seeds are a popular snack that can be found hulled or semi-hulled at most grocery stores. However, roasting pumpkin seeds (usually scooped out of jack-o-lanterns) is a popular Halloween treat.

    Pumpkin seedshave many health benefits, being a particular nutrient-dense food, some of which include a good source of protein, phytosterols,fiber, iron, copper, magnesium, manganese, calcium, potassium, zinc, phosphorous, selenium, folate, niacin, and other vitamins and amino acids such as tryptophan, arginine and glutamic acid.One gram of pumpkin seed protein contains as much tryptophan as a full glass of milk.The seedsare said to lower cholesterol.The seeds contain linolenic acid, a nutrient believed to help prevent hardening of the arteries. Eating a ground-up mixture of the seeds--or simply snacking on a small handful of seeds once or twice a day--can calm the irritated and overactive bladder occasionally associated with bedwetting. German Commission E has approved using pumpkin seeds for bedwetting and other bladder problems.

    Pumpkin seed oilis a thick, green-red oil that is produced from roasted pumpkin seeds. When used for cooking or as a salad dressing, pumpkin-seed oil is generally mixed with other oils because of its robust flavor. It is used in cooking in central and eastern Europe. Long believed to be a folk remedy for prostate problems, it has been claimed to combat benign prostatic hyperplasia. Pumpkin seed oil contains fatty acids that help maintain healthy blood vessels and nerves, and are loaded with essential fatty acids that help to maintain healthy blood vessels, nerves and tissues.

    Specifically, cucurbita seeds may help to:

    Eradicate intestinal parasites, such as tapeworms and roundworms. Perhaps the most enduring folk use for cucurbita seeds is to eliminate intestinal parasites, a use largely explained by the eventual discovery of an unusual amino acid called cucurbitin in the seeds. This active ingredient is believed to paralyze the worms over time, forcing them to loose their grip and get expelled from the body. To confuse matters, however, the concentration of cucurbitin in Cucurbita plants varies widely, which may explain why some herbalists have had positive experiences in treating intestinal parasites with the seeds while others have not.

    Prevent and relieve symptoms of prostate enlargement. Several years ago, researchers noted that men who live in countries where cucurbita seeds are a regular part of the diet suffer lower rates of prostate problems. And many men who take on a therapeutic regimen of eating cucurbita seeds say that their symptoms of prostate enlargement have improved. The use of cucurbita seeds for prostate symptoms can be traced back to Native American healers. Today, a number of European countries (including Germany) approve of their use for lessening urination problems in men with early stage (I or II) benign prostate enlargement, medically known as benign prostate hyperplasia or BPH. The exact mechanism for the seeds' effectiveness is uncertain but it may involve fatty oil in the seeds that promotes urine flow. The fatty oil appears to block the action of the hormone dihydrotestosterone on the prostate gland.

    In one of the few clinical trials on cucurbita seeds (pumpkin specifically) for BPH, significant improvements in such symptoms as post-void dribbling, weak urine flow, and time spent urinating were reported in many of the participants. Fifty-three men with BPH took part in this three-month, double-blind study completed in 1990.

    Preliminary findings also indicate that the seeds may reduce hormonal damage to prostate cells, possibly reducing the future risk of developing prostate cancer.

    EastChina Normal Universityresearch on type-1 diabetic rats, published in July 2007, suggests that chemical compounds found in pumpkin promote regeneration of damaged pancreatic cells, resulting in increased bloodstream insulin levels. According to the research team leader, pumpkin extract may be "a very good product for pre-diabetic people, as well as those who already have diabetes," possibly reducing or eliminating the need for insulin injections for some type-1 diabetics. It is unknown whether pumpkin extract has any effect on diabetes mellitus type 2, as it was not the subject of the study.

    The Pumpkin Seed Extract used in dietary supplements is derived from the seeds of the plant Cucurbita.


    • Eradicateintestinal parasites

    • Preventand relieve symptoms of prostate enlargement(benign prostatic hyperplasia)

    • Calmthe irritated and overactive bladder occasionally associated with bedwetting

    • Reduce hormonal damage to prostate cells, possibly reducing the future risk of developing prostate cancer.

    • Maintainhealthy blood vessels, nerves and tissues

    • Lowercholesterol

    • Reduceor eliminate the need for insulin injections for some type-1 diabetics


    Refer to the above relative introductions.


    There are no known drug or nutrient interactions associated with cucurbita seeds.

    There are no known side effects associated with the use of cucurbita seeds.

    The oil in cucurbita seeds can easily go rancid, so store them in the refrigerator or freezer and be sure to discard them by the date indicated on the package.

    If you are experiencing bothersome or troubling symptoms of possible prostate enlargement (weak urine flow, frequency, post-void dribbling and backwash, for example), see your doctor.

    Keep in mind that although the seeds may relieve the symptoms of an enlarged prostate, they have not been proven to actually reduce the size of this gland.

    If you suspect that you have intestinal parasites of any kind, consult your doctor to confirm the diagnosis. Then you can discuss your desire to treat the condition with cucurbita seeds.


    • Thetypical dose is not restricted, suggest to take it for your all kinds of health problem.
    • Consult physicians for different condition specifics.

    GNI’s Pumpkin Seed Oil dry Extract Powder Features and Benefits:

     Pumpkin Seed Oil dry Extract Powderis one of GNI's most competitive products, with many advantages as list in the following, produced as our patent-pending process and know-how technology fromCucurbitaseeds.

    • High purity: over 12:1 (100% pure)

    • NO solvent - residual free

    • Pesticide-free

    • Light yellow to Brownish-yellow in appearance

    • High anti-bacteria, and longer shelf life.

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