我們公司供應各種鋁合金包裝箱,產品外觀精美,設計新穎,結實耐用。采用鋁合金邊框,高密度板材及其它配件制作而成。面料有鋁片、防火板、ABS片、PU、PVC、亞克力等各種選擇,內襯方面可采用各種佈料,也可根據要求制作EVA、海綿模型,箱體也可根據要求印刷圖案。廣泛應用於各類產品包裝,能有效提升產品檔次,保護產品避免產品在運輸途中損壞。是贈送親友、產品促銷、傢用、戶外作業等佳選。 本廠有多種形狀鋁型材、不同厚度及不同材質板材、上百種面料及各種配件供客戶選擇,以來適應各類場所的需求。我們擁有一大批從事箱包行業數十年的專業人員,嚴格控制每個產品的質量,希望通過專業的技術和優質的服務可以讓您滿意,期待著您的光臨!
瑞豐箱包廠成立於2008年,廠房面4000平方,現有100多名員工,3條生產線,使我們成為實力雄厚的鋁箱制造商。我們的主要成品包括:工具箱,化妝箱,珠寶箱,美容美發箱,航空箱,公文箱,亞克力箱,CD箱,拉桿箱,醫藥箱,玻璃展櫃和其他相關產品。我公司還可按客戶提供的圖樣或樣板生產符合客戶要求的產品。 我們的產品款式新穎,質量可靠,同時價格具有競爭性,使我們的產品遠銷美國,法國,澳大利亞,意大利和其他20多個國傢和地區。同時,我們會為客戶提供及時的貨期和完善的售後服務。 我們本著“質量求生存,信譽求發展”的原則,真誠地希望同世界各地的客商共同發展,共創雙贏。 RuiFeng Box Products Co.,Ltd was founded in 2008, with the plant area of 4,000 square meters of flooring, more than 100 workers 3 production line, we have become a strong aluminum case manufacturer. Our main products include tool case, cosmetic case, jewel case, hairdressing & beauty case, pilot case, briefcase, acrylic case, CD case, trolley luggage, medical case, glass cabinet and related products. We can produce all kinds of aluminum case according to customer's draft and samples. Because of up-to-date styles, high quality and competitive price, our product is already exported to America, France, Australia, Italy and 20 other countries and regions. Meanwhile, we will provide prompt delivery and excellent after service to our customers. Our company regards "high quality for living and credit standing for progress" as our tenet, we sincerely hope to cooperate with customers from all over the world for mutual development and benefits.
