類型 | 在線監控儀 | 品牌 | 百仕得 |
型號 | 112A | 安裝方式 | 盤面式 |
精確度 | 精密 |
BT-112A焊接電流監測儀。是一款提高和控制電阻焊焊接質量的儀器儀表,彌補了國內對瞬間大電流監測儀器的空白。具有體積小功能全的特點,長195mm*寬75mm*高180mm的體積無論是擺放還是攜帶都非常方便。同時具有監測,交流焊機,儲能焊機,高頻逆變焊機的功能,平均值與峰值的時時顯示。焊接計數功能方便生產過程中的統計,焊接不良報警功能,是電阻焊接機良好的配套工具。在線實時檢測電阻焊機的次級電流和焊接時間 可設置焊接電流的上下限,電流和焊接時間超限警報,並可給出輸出信號到PLC,方便用戶檢出不良品。 可測量各種逆變式,電容儲能式,交流脈衝式焊機。有效提高客戶產品的合格率。 In practical production, it is not possible to conduct damage tests for all welding spots. Therefore, it is not enough to judge the reliability of every welding spot by man. According to the principle of resistance welding, it requires the generation of electric resistance heat to weld parts together, which is. Therefore, the effective control of welding current and time will effectively control the quality of welding spots. We have launched the welding current monitoring system of the world standard according to the demand of the market which is applicable to various spot welders used by companies and can improve the pass rate of products for clients. |
