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    商品代碼: 962540
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    電鍍顏色:鍍銅、光鎳、半光鎳、高硫鎳、珍珠鎳,裝飾鉻、硬鉻、酸錫、白銅錫、黃銅錫、青銅、鈦槍、錫鎳槍、錫鈷槍、黑鎳槍、酸金、中性金、玫瑰金、1N、2N金鎳銦、23K金鈷、有機光銀、銀銻合金、鈀鈷、鈀鈷,鈀鎳、鍍銠、鍍鉑等40餘個鍍種。和泰工藝制品廠是生產各類箱包、手袋五金配件系列、五金工藝品系列、建築五金系列等小五金產品的專業生產廠傢。產品款式多樣,目前已開發2千多個品種。和泰始終堅持“顧客至上、規范管理、精益求精、開創一流”的質量方針,秉承“為客戶創造利潤”為經營宗旨,“以建立共贏的合作夥伴關系”為經營目的。產品不僅暢銷全國各地,而且出口至東南亞、中東、歐洲、北美洲等20多個國傢和地區。 it has been able to offer an assortment of more than 40 different plating such as copper, bright nickel, semi-bright nickel, high sulfur nickel, bright chrome and hard chrome, acid-tin, copper-tin alloy, brass, tin nickel alloy, acid gold, neutral gold, pink gold, 1N/2N gold, 18K gold copper cadmium, 23K gold cobalt, bright silver, palladium-nickel-cobalt, rhodium, platinum, etc. Hetai Products Plant is a producer specializing in various hardware fittings for cases and bags, hand bag, hardware craftwork, building craftwork and other small hardware production. At present, it has developed more than 2,000 variety of products with multiple designs. Since the establishment, Hetai has been basing on technology as pioneer and talent as carrier and attaching importance to management, benefit and constant development. With gradual perfection of organization structure and highly qualified specialists and technical workers, it has grown into a specialized producer which takes shape. With a comprehensive enterprise integrating marketing, die-casting, assembling, polishing, painting and other complete set of production lines, it has become a comprehensive enterprise integrating marketing, research and development, manufacture. In addition, Hetai is available of complete database and it is in the vanguard of the industry in product hardness, finish and wear resistance and other key technical indexes.

    line 線上客服  ID@tsq1489i