“藝源”是一個已有十年歷史的椰藝飾品品牌,公司為目前中國非常專業,而且規模比較大的椰藝飾品生產廠傢,在椰藝飾品界享有較高的知名度及良好的商譽。藝源在繼承和發揚傳統工藝的基礎上,對椰藝飾品註入瞭時尚、流行的元素,開發瞭一系列產品,主要有:手提包系列、項鏈系列、腰帶系列、手飾品系列、手機飾品系列、鈕扣六系列大類,產品數百種,款式上千樣。“藝源” 椰藝飾品采用純天然椰殼為原料,精心設計,100%手工制成,產品質樸純真、環保簡約、小巧別致。
Yiyuan Coconut Shell Handicrafts: |
Being a large-scale professional manufacturer of coconut shell handicrafts in China with a brand name of 10 years old, Yiyuan enjoys very high credibility and fame in the coconut shell handicrafts industry. By adopting and upgrading the traditional technology, Yiyuan has made great efforts to blend trendy and fashionable elements into its artistic coconut shell products. The hundreds of products with thousands of different designs that Yiyuan has developed can be categorized as follows: Handbag series, Necklace series, Waistband series, Wrist ornament series, Cell phone ornament series and Button series Yiyuan coconut shell handicrafts are all handmade from natural coconut shells with meticulous designs, resulting in a characteristic of “small & exquisite, simple & environment friendly” |
