AI ONE(艾王)品牌是大陸一傢於2000年創立的戶外品牌公司,起初隻是小本經營的傢庭式生意。但是AI ONE品牌一直以強調高性能,高品質及不斷進取創新求變為宗旨。雖然僅僅隻有五年的歷史,我們深深地意識到瞭在以後的歲月裡,為瞭產品的質量,款式的不斷求索革新,還需要我們堅持不斷走一條屬於自己的路.在這短短的5年時間裡,我們已經迅速將業務拓展至全國大中小城市。遠銷世界各國和地區:新加坡,泰國,馬來西亞,香港,臺灣,日本,韓國,俄羅斯等。 本公司向來以產品耐用性而聞名,贏得瞭廣大消費者的懇定和青睞。本公司為消費者提供優越的售後服務。AI ONE品牌物美價廉,與世界知名品牌鼎足而立,但是價格僅僅隻有他們的三分之一,因此是適宜新老朋友的最佳選擇。 AI ONE was established in year 2000 specialized for outdoor products originated in China Mainland. At very first beginning, it runs small scale family-business, under its advanced quality, stable usefulness & pursuing renew & improvement, it expanded as nowadays performances. We deeply noticed that in future, we will continue to follow up such way of advanced quality & new items development. As our products sell not only to China mainland, Hongkong & Taiwan, and also to international market such as Singapore, Thailand, Japan, Korea & Russia. It is known by its reliability which earns thousands of consumers’ compliments, also because of this, we have best after-sale system. As a result, the price is only one third to other branded products.