品牌 | CXS旭升 | 材質 | 鑄鋁合金材質 |
型號 | CBA53 | 尺寸 | 根據客戶要求而定 |
重量 | 根據客戶要求而定 | 適用範圍 | 易燃易爆場所 |
CBA53系列防爆控制按鈕 適用範圍Application | |
1區、2區危險場所。 ⅡA、ⅡB IIC類爆炸性氣體環境。 適用於可燃性粉塵場所. Can be used in Zone 1 and Zone 2 dangerous places. Can be used in IIA、IIB、IICgroup explosive atmosphere. Can be used in hammable dust atmosphere. | |
型號含義Main implication | |
產品特點Features | |
■鑄鋁合金殼體,表面噴塑. ■整體為複合型結構,外殼採用增安型結構,具有較強的防水,防塵能力 ■內裝的按鈕,指示燈,電流表均為防爆元件. ■鋼管或電纜布線均可. ■符合BG3836-2000,IEC60079S標準要求. ◆Diecasted AI-alloy shell,with plastic-spryed surface. ◆Complund structure of safety-increased type.with functions of water-proofing. ◆Dust-proofing inside is arranged button,indicator,Ammeter of explosion-proof types. ◆Suitable for steel pipe and cable wiring. ◆Suitble for BG3836-2000,IEC60079 standard request. |
外形及安裝尺寸Outlinge and installing dimension |
額定電壓(V)額定電流(A) 防爆標誌 防護等級 進紅口螺紋(G")電纜外徑(¢,mm) Rated voltageRated current Ex-mark Protection class Iniet's threadOutler's diameter of cable Exed II Bt6 Ip65 380 10 *Exed II DIPA20 TA T6 *Ip65 3/4 10-14 |
外形舉例Outline example | |
CBA53-1 | |
CAB53-2 | |
CBA 53-3 | CBA 53-2A |
