瞭解更多信息請聯系蔡小姐旺旺:yuxin9960手機:13825849960 QQ:570109544
裕鑫塑膠制品廠,是一傢集開發、生產、銷售於一體的專業型工藝玩具企業,公司位於有中國玩具禮品城之美稱的澄海,地處外埔工業區,交通便利,環境優雅。是一傢頗具規模,設備先進的外向型企業,擁有一批基礎紮實,素質較高的生產工人和專業設計技術人員。Yuxin plastic toys factoryis located in the chenghai city,Is a set ofdevelopment, produce and sale of toys factory.it with the good traffic and elegant environment. Our factory with the big showroom and advanced machine.we own the high quality worker and designer .本廠擁有生產場地約6000平方米.自建廠以來承蒙廣大客戶的支持,在公司領導的努力開拓下,不斷發展擴大,每年都有不少創新產品推出,產品遠銷國外,深得廣大客戶的青睞和信賴。我們始終堅持以誠取信,以質取勝,以創新發展的管理理念;堅持以人為本,以質為先,顧客滿意,持續改進的質量方針.
The factory With about 6,000 square meters of production space. Thanks our client’s support and our CEO .our factory can develop quickly.each year have new products to take part in the market and they are popular in the market. We insist on quality first ,credit first, customer satisfaction ,continuous improvement of the quality guidelines.
welcome domestic and foreign client visit our website or our showroom ,select our products and send your inquiry to us , We value each customer’s inquiry.
We firmly believe that the most reliable quality and the most competitive prices, the most pragmatic style will be let us become the most dependent on your business partners.
裕鑫塑膠制品代理的各類玩具產品有250000多種,是我們的資源也是您的資源。我們以廠傢產品最低價格報價給您,所有廠傢產品價格透明化,客戶可直接接觸所有廠傢,為您代理下單、查貨、報關、貨運等出口手續。we have Agent more than 250000 various types toy products.it is our resources also are your resources. Our offer you the lowest price( manufacturers price) to help you win the market.we can help you to agent the transparency,clean customs and so on .
Customer satisfaction. Our biggest pursuit!
