16位恒流驅動IC 主要用於LED屏幕及護欄管
Iout = 5~90mA, VoutMax) = 17V n 絕佳的恒流精度:信道對信道:±3%;芯片對芯片:±6% n 具獨步全球的LED開/短路在線自檢功能:100ns(min) 的快速偵測反饋, 無須切換操作模式,不影響畫面品質 n 具過溫斷電功能(180°C) n 輸出通道分時使能,可有效降低EMI n 與DM134/5/A、ST2221C完全兼容,新推出SOP封裝(腳間距1.0 mm)
General Description
The DM134B、DM135B are constant current drivers specifically designed for LED display applications. The value of constant current can be varied using an external resistor. The devices include a 16-bit shift register, latches, and constant current drivers on a single Silicon CMOS chip.
3.3V~5V CMOS Compatible Input Maximum Clock Frequency: 25MHz (Cascade Operation) Maximum Output Voltage: Package: Package and Pin Layout: 17V DIP24, SOP24, SSOP24, QFN32 Pin layout and functionality are similar to those of the ST2221C. (Each characteristic value is different.) Constant Current Matching: (Ta = 25°C、VDD = 5.0V) Chip-to-Chip: ± 10.0% Bit-to-Bit: DM134B:± 4.0% @ IOUT = 30 ~ 90mA ± 6.0% @ IOUT = 20 ~ 30mA DM135B:± 4.0% @ IOUT = 20 ~ 60mA ± 6.0% @ IOUT = 5 ~ 20mA
16-Bit Constant Current LED Drivers