深圳市精湛藝金屬模具廠主要開發眼鏡、鐘表首飾及電鑄擺件等金屬模具。經長期專業研究,利用金屬原有的特征,開發出成本低、註蠟快、角度好、面光滑、重量穩定、厚薄均勻、圖文清晰高等多項優點的金屬模具,全面代替膠模,成為失臘鑄造領域的一新技術突破。為方便客戶,並促進眼鏡、首飾行業發展,我們致力推行:1、模具;2、蠟件;3、鑄件;4、機械;5、材料。我們竭誠希望與您攜手共創雙贏。 We are professional in making metal mold for glasses, jewelry and electroforming decoration. After long term test, based on metal nature, we have had capability to make metal mold with many advantages, such as low cost, high efficiency, good angle, glossy surface, stable weight, uniform thickness, clear pattern and so on, which will be a new outstanding technology in making casting molds instead of rubber mold. Now we promote: 1, mold 2, wax 3, casting parts 4, machines 5, materials. We welcome cooperation and win mutual profit with you.
