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    IPEGA原裝正品蘋果配件IPHONE 4/4S/5 無線遊戲藍牙手柄安卓通用
    商品代碼: 780661
    即日起提供日本樂天代購服務-詳見 Rakuten-suki日本樂天代購,謝謝。

    IPEGA原裝正品蘋果配件IPHONE 4/4S/5 無線遊戲藍牙手柄安卓通用




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     7.支持android 3.2ios 4.3以上系統;






     Android系統下支持絕大多數大型遊戲及模擬器遊戲(如MC4,Wild blood,Dungeon Hunter,Zombie,FC模擬器,GBA模擬器,街機模擬器,SFC模擬器,N64模擬器,Shadowgun,Sonic CD,Cordy,soulcraft,Zenonia4,9 Innings 2013,Riptide GP)

     ios系統所兼容遊戲下載方式:可進入iTunes在商城(App Store)中搜索“iCade”,絕大多數遊戲都能兼容手柄,Gunman Clive, Helium Boy, League of Evil League of Evil 2, Muffin Knight Free Stardash, Temple the Run.


    User Manual(操作說明)

    X.GamePad Mode:(適用於Android 3.2以上的版本)在手柄關機狀態下,先按住“X”,再按下HOME,藍牙LED指示燈快閃,手柄

    進入配對狀態,打開手機藍牙搜索設備「ipega gamepad controller」配對,配對成功後LED指示燈長亮,手柄處於GamePad工作模式.


    A.Keyboard Mode:(適用於Android系統)在手柄關機狀態下,先按住“A”,再按下HOME,藍牙LED指示燈快閃,手柄進入配對狀態,

    打開手機藍牙搜索設備「ipega gamepad controller」配對,配對成功後LED指示燈長亮,手柄處於keyboard工作模式,


    B.iCade Mode:(適用於IOS系統)在手柄關機狀態下,先按住“B”,再按下HOME,藍牙LED指示燈快閃,手柄進入配對狀態,打開手

    機藍牙搜索設備「ipega gamepad controller」配對,配對成功後LED指示燈長亮,手柄處於iCade工作模式。





    3.打開藍牙開關,點擊添加手柄進行搜索→「ipega gamepad controller」點擊綁定→界面跳轉至手柄連接測試程序,手柄連接成功(圖12


    4.點擊設置輸入法→點擊Bitgames IME並勾選「Bitgames IME」→選擇輸入法「Bitgames IME」→點擊完

    Y.SPP Mode:(適用於Android系統平臺,需ROOT才可使用)在手柄關機狀態下,先按住“Y”,再按下HOME,LED指示燈快閃,




    1.進入設置→語言和輸入法→選擇輸入法「GHTouch IM」(圖1

    2.打開應用程序「GHTouch」→選擇設備「ipega gamepad controller」→勾選「虛擬屏幕按鍵」→選擇輸入法「GHTouch IM」→





















     This product is a new design wireless Bluetooth controller and support different android/ ios/ PC and etc games.

     1.It can be used when connected with the Bluetooth mobile phone and without any drivers.

     2.Exclusive gaming application platform, the classic hand travel under control (ipega game lobby only for Android platform).

     3.With 380 mAh built-in lithium battery, can be used around 20 hours continuously after fully charged, safe and stable.

     4. With the telescopic stand, the phone can be put in the stand (maximum support for 5.5-inch mobile phone), easy for playing games.

     5.Bluetooth 3.0 wireless transmission can be 6-8 meters wide range of control from the operation.

     6.User-friendly software designed to enter the power saving mode with no connection state.

     7.Support android 3.2, ios 4.3 above system.

     8.Compatible with iPod/iPhone/iPad as well as the vast majority of android tablet PCs.

    Game Support Description:

    Under Android system, it supports the vast majority of games and simulator games (such as MC4, Wild blood, Dungeon Hunter, Zombie, FC simulator, GBA emulator, arcade emulator, SFC simulator, N64 emulator, Shadowgun, Sonic CD, Cordy, soulcraft, Zenonia4, 9 Innings 2013, Riptide GP, etc.)

    Download method of  games that are compatible: Enter itunes  and App Store to search for "iCade". The handle can be compatible with the vast majority of games, such as Gunman Clive, Helium Boy, League of Evil League of Evil 2, Muffin Knight Free Stardash, Temple the Run and so on.

    User Manual(操作說明)

    X.GamePad Mode:Only Android 3.2 + versions supports  this mode,when the handle turn-off, first press the "X" key, then

    press the HOME key, Bluetooth LED indicator flash, the handle enter into the pairing mode, turn-on  the phone and search for

     Bluetooth devices "ipega gamepad controller" and pairing, if the pairing is successful, the LED indicator will be bright , the

    handle will be in the GamePad mode.


    A.Keyboard Mode:(suitable for Android system )When the handle turn-off, first press the "A" key, then press the HOME key, the Bluetooth LED indicator

    flash, the handle enter into pairing mode, turn-on the phone and search for Bluetooth devices "ipega gamepad controller" and

    pairing, if the pairing is successful, the LED indicator will be bright, the handle will be in the keyboard mode.


    B.iCade modes:(suitable for IOS system )When the handle turn-off, first press the "B" key, then press the HOME key, the Bluetooth LED indicator

     flash, the handle enter into the pairing mode, turn-in the phone and search for Bluetooth devices "ipega gamepad controller"

    and pairing, if  it is success, the LED light will be  bright, the handle will be in the iCade mode.

    Download and use the ipega game lobby(Suitable for Android system, pls log in official forum :http://www.aipaige.co or through the QR code to download ipega game lobby APK file)

    1 Switch on the application "ipega game lobby" and then click to enter my device (Fig. 1)

    2 When the handle turn-off, first press the "Y" key, then press the HOME button, the LED indicator light flash, the handle enter into the pairing state

    3 Switch-in the Bluetooth, click Add handle search"ipega gamepad controller"click interface to bind to jump to handle connection test program handles the connection is successful (Figures 1, 2)

    4 Click SettingsClick Bitgames IME input method and check "Bitgames IME"Select Input Method "Bitgames IME"click Finish (Figure 3,4)

    Y.SPP Mode(Suitable for Android system, need ROOT when using.)When the handle turn-off, first press the "Y" key, then press the HOME key, LED lights flash, the handle

    entre into the pairing mode, if the pairing is successful, the LEDindicator is  keeping bright, the handle is in  the SPP

    mode; SPP mode requires corresponding Android APP software to complete the relevant key mapping function.

    SPP use(Please log in official forum  http://www.aipaige.com or through QR code to download "GHTouch " APK file.):

    1 Go to SettingsLanguage and inputSelect Input Method "GHTouch IM" (Figure 1)

    2 Open the application "GHTouch"Choose device "ipega gamepad controller"check "virtual screen buttons"

    Select Input Method "GHTouch IM"The device will automatically connect with the handle, after the

     connection is completed ,  the LED indicator light (Figures 2, 3)

    3 After entering the game, press the volume up on the device or handle "Select" button, the button icon onto

     the screen corresponding to the position (Note: Double-click the icon to set the size), press return or click on

    the device handle "Select", icon hidden, complete the setup.



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    IPEGA原裝正品蘋果配件IPHONE 4/4S/5 無線遊戲藍牙手柄安卓通用_iphone_蘋果Apple配件_貨源_批發一路發
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