
  • 工廠平價出售汽車後視鏡 行車記錄儀 高清 1080P後視鏡記錄儀
    商品代碼: 774809
    即日起提供日本樂天代購服務-詳見 Rakuten-suki日本樂天代購,謝謝。



    HD-car camera






































                 Operating Instructions







    1.2.7寸顯示屏              8.攝像頭           15.復位鍵


    2.開關機                 9.喇叭


    3.模式                     10.彈簧夾


    4.菜單                     11.AV輸出


    5.上翻                   12.USB插口


    6.下翻                    13.TF卡槽


    7.確認/開始/暫停           14.DC充電




    說明書   USB   USB車充(內置12V5V適配器)
















































    1. 錄像分辨率:(1920×1080)(1440×1080(1280×720)默認設置
    2. 語言設置:英語(默認)/俄文/日語/簡體中文/繁體中文/法語/西班牙語/意大利語/葡萄牙語/土耳其語/希臘語/德語
    3. 格式化:內存/TF卡(選其一格式化)
    4. 幀頻:15FPS/30FPS(默認設置)
    5. 光源頻率:50Hz(默認設置)/60Hz
    6. 日期/時間:待機狀態下按兩次菜單鍵⑷進入設定界面,按下翻鍵⑹進行設置,按確認鍵⑺進行保存。
    7. 錄影時間:/2分鐘(默認設置)/5分鐘/15分鐘。當選擇關閉時,TF卡錄滿後將停止錄像,不會進行循環錄像
    8. 日期標簽:關/開(默認設置)。當選擇選擇關閉時,錄影沒有時間顯示。
    9. 默認設置:取消/確認。當選擇確認時,DVR將恢復到出廠設置。
    10. 移動偵測:關(默認設置)/
    11. 錄音:關/開(默認設置)
    12. 版本:顯示系統版本號
















    1. 請在錄影前先插入TF
    2. DVR錄影模式可選擇循環錄制,當存儲介質已滿時,DVR會自動從最初的存儲介質重新開始錄制新的內容並覆蓋舊的文件。在覆蓋舊的文件的同時,DVR將有3秒左右的時間盲區,即DVR3秒左右的時間內會停止錄制內容。
    3. 請使用附帶的USB車充為DVR供電,此車充內含12V/24V5V適配器。如果輸出電壓大於5V,將會燒毀DVR












































































    Division presented




    1.2.7LCD screen          8.Camera           15.Reset


    2On / off                9.Sound


    3.Mode                   10.Elasticity


    4.Menu                  11.AV output


    5.Up                    12.USB


    6.down                    13.TF


    7.OK                     14.DC






    Operating Instructions USB   Charger  AV output




    Functional operation




    This DV is very simple to installUse clampscovered in the mirrorConnect the cigarette lighter, hidden line


    Power supply


    A.Using the charger.


    Method1Connect a USB charger2Connected to the computer


    The process of charging, green light, when the DVR is fully charged, the green light will automatically extinguish.




    B. Connect the charger 12V/24V


    When the car starts, the DVR will automatically start recording. Power-off after five seconds, the DVR will automatically shut down and automatically save the file previously recorded.


    Note: Only use the output of the vehicle power supply voltage of 5V and use the car charger power supply,or power failure to turn off the DVR




    Video mode 


       Switch ofor connect a USB charger, the DVR will automatically enter the recording mode.(Please install the TF card) at this time, the long bright blue light, red light flashes, documents will be automatically saved in the TF the USB car charger or press the switch (2) off the DVR, the red indicator will stop flashing.




    Camera mode


      then click the OK button to stop recording, then press the Menu keyinto the camera mode switchthe DVR, press the Enter keycamera.




    Browse and delete files


       Open the DVR and press the OK keystop recording, press the two-mode keyto enter the playback mode. On turn keyselect the recorded file and press the play buttonplay or preview. If you want to delete the file, stop playback, press the Menu keyto enter delete mode. Press the turnchoose to delete or formatted. Return operation to continue to press the Menu key⑷。




    Function is set


               The DVR to stop recording, press the Menu key (4), enter the setup menu interface. According to those who turn keyselect specific parameters to confirm the operation, press the Enter key.After completion of all the settings, continue to press the Menu keyreturn to the settings interface.


    1. Video size:(1920×1080)(1440×1080(1280×720)
    2. Language Settings: English (default) / Russian / Japanese / Simplified Chinese /Traditional Chinese / French / Spanish / Italian / Portuguese / Turkish / Greek / German
    3. Format: Memory / TF card (choose one format)
    4. Frame rate the: 15FPS/30FPS (default setting)
    5. Light frequency: 50Hz (default setting) / 60Hz
    6. Date / Time:Two menu keysstandby mode, press to enter the setting interface, press the down arrow key tosetpress the Enter key to save.
    7. Video: Off / 2 minutes (default setting) / 5 minutes / 15 minutes. When the option to turn off the TF card is full will stop recording, does not loop video
    8. Date Label: Off / On (default setting). When the Select option to turn off, video is not the time display.
    9. Default settings: cancellation / confirmation. Select OK, the DVR will revert to factory settings.
    10. Motion detection: Off (the default) / open
    11. Recording: OFF / ON (default setting)
    12. Version: Displays the system version number






       USB cable to connect the DVR to your PC, the two options will be displayed on the display (connected to the computer / webcam), keep in mind the need to insert a memory card.


    HD TV or monitor preview


       Using high-definition cable DVR and HDTV, the DVR will automatically enter the preview mode, preview mode, and preview the same steps on the screen.




    1. Please insert the TF card in the video before the first
    2. This DVR recording mode selectable loop recording, when the storage medium is full, the DVR will automatically again from the original storage media to start recording a new content and overwrite the old file.Overwrite the old files at the same time, the DVR will have about three seconds of time blind, DVR will stop the recording time of about 3 seconds.
    3. Please use the included USB car charger for DVR-powered car charger containing 12V/24V switch to 5V adapter. If the output voltage is greater than 5V, the DVR will be burned.










    Technical parameters


    1.Video size:(1920×1080)(1440×1080(1280×720)


    2.Compression formatH.264


       3.Loop recording


       4.Power supply: Rechargeable lithium battery / USB Car Charger


       5.Support TF card: maximum support to 32G


       6.Recording: recordable


       7.Output: USB



    高清不漏秒.鏡頭多轉..聯永方案  高清1080P

    工廠平價出售汽車後視鏡 行車記錄儀  高清 1080P後視鏡記錄儀_行車記錄器_汽車安全輔助_汽車用品_汽摩及配件_貨源_批發一路發
    line 線上客服  ID@tsq1489i