1.環保LED燈 ---采用最新型環保節能的LED照明技術,超低功耗;
2.多燈照明 --- LED環形佈陣,內圈8個LED燈,外圈14個LED燈;
3.安裝方便 --- 隻需將燈具旋入傢用普通燈座,即可實現對電燈的遙控,可以壁式或者吊式使用,無需另外改造;
4.超長距離遙控 --- 實測無阻礙遙控距離可達數十米;
5.實用便利 --- 聲音遙控操作,安裝簡單,使用壽命長;
1.夜間的幫手 --- 給帶小孩的傢庭帶來方便,如夜間小孩要小便或給小孩喂奶時,免去瞭在黑暗中開燈的不便。
2.老少同樂 --- 給老人小孩夜間開關燈帶來方便,對年輕人如躺在床上看完書報或電視節目想休息時要關燈同樣帶來方便。
3.四季皆宜 --- 冬天躺在暖和的被褥裡起來開關燈怕冷;夏天蚊帳放好瞭伸手到外面開關燈怕引來蚊子,使用“遙控電燈”避免瞭這些煩惱。
Peoduct Introduction:
The product has 22 high-brightness LED,which fall into a group of 8 and a group of 14.Both groups can be turned on,or either of them can be turned on for energy-saving.At usual time,it can be used as an energy-saving lamb.When mains supply is cut off,its emergency function will make it autoatically put on the light.Functions above can be controlled by a remote control,safe and convenient.Itcan also be turned on and off at the lamp holder.Besides,there are two high-capacity batteries inside,which makes the duration time longer.The built-in protection circuit makes you free from worrying about the battery being over charged.The distane of remote control is 10 meters
