品牌 | 洛陽一拖-東方紅YTO | 型號 | ZL30F,ZL30D-II,ZL50F,ZL50D-II |
額定載重 | 3T.5T | 裝載機械類型 | 大型裝載機 |
裝卸方式 | 前卸式 | 行走方式 | 輪胎式 |
型號 | Model | ZL50F | |
整機重量 | Total Weight | kg | 16500 |
鏟斗容量 | Bucker Capacity | m3 | 3 |
額定載荷 | Rated Load | kg | 5000 |
動臂提升時間 | Movable Arm Lifting Time | s | ≤6.5 |
三項和時間 | Three Item Time | s | ≤11.5 |
最小轉彎半徑 | Min Turning Radius | mm | 5795 |
前進1-4檔 | Forward 1-4 Gear | km/h | 11.5-38 |
倒退1-2檔 | Reverse1-2 Gear | km/h | 0-16 |
卸載高度 | Damping Height | mm | 3200 |
卸載距離 | Damping Reach | mm | 1180 |
外型尺寸(長×寬×高) | Overall Dimension(L×W×H) | mm | 7900×2975×3450 |
燃油箱容量 | Fuel Tank Capacity | L | 280 |
液壓油箱容量 | Hydraulic Oil Tank Capacity | L | 210 |
最大崛起力 | max digging up force | KN | 165 |
最大爬坡能力 | max slope angle | 度 | ≤26.5 |
最小離地間隙 | min ground clearance | mm | 440 |
軸距 | wheelbase | mm | 3250 |
輪距 | tyre tread | mm | 2240 |
發動機 | |||
發動機型號 | Engine Model | WD615G.220 | |
形式 | type | ||
缸數-缸徑×沖程 | cylinder number diameter×piston stroke | MM | 6-126×130 |
發動機額定功率 | Engine Rated Power | kW | 162 |
額定轉速 | rated speed | r/min | 2200 |
最大扭矩 | max torque | n.m | 840/1400-1500 |
燃油消耗率 | rate fuel consumption | g/kw.h | 228 |
風扇直徑 | diameter of the fan | mm | 762 |
液力變矩器 | hydraulic torque converter | ||
形式 | type | 單級四元件 | |
變矩係數 | converter coefficient | K=4.0 | |
冷卻方式 | cooling type | 油冷 | |
變速箱 | gearbox | ||
形式 | type | 行星式液壓變速換擋 | |
變速檔位 | gearshifts | 前進2檔,倒退1檔 | |
變速齒輪泵 | gear pump | ||
離合器工作壓力 | operation pressure | MPA | 1.1-1.5 |
前後驅動橋 | drive bridge | ||
主傳動形式 | main transmission type | 螺旋傘齒輪一級減速 | |
輪邊減速形式 | reduction final drive type | 直齒圓柱齒輪行星減速 | |
驅動橋總減速比 | drive bridge seed reducer ratio | 22.85 | |
中央傳動速比 | main transmission speed reducer ratio | 4.625 | |
輪邊減速比 | reduction final drive speed reducer ratio | 4.94 | |
車輪與輪胎 | wheel and tire | ||
驅動形式 | tire type | 四輪驅動 | |
輪胎規格 | tire specification | 23.5-25 | |
輪胎氣壓 | tire pressure | MPA | 0.28-0.32 |
制動系統 | braking system | ||
行車制動 | travel braking system | ||
形式 | type | 雙管路氣頂油四輪鉗盤式制動 | |
制動盤直徑 | diameter of brake | MM | 450 |
制動分泵直徑 | diameter of brake subsidiary pump | MM | 70 |
停車制動 | park brake | ||
形式 | type | 帶式軟軸操縱型 | |
制動鼓直徑 | diameter of brake drum | MM | 305 |
制動帶尺寸(長×寬×厚) | dimensions of the brake strip | MM | 325×76×6.5 |
轉向系統 | turning system | ||
形式 | type | 開芯無反應全液壓轉向系統 | |
轉向缸數-內徑×行程 | turning cylinder number diameter×piston stroke | MM | 2-90×485 |
轉向泵 | turning pump | CBGJ2080 | |
工作壓力 | working pressure | mpa | 16 |
流量 | flux | L/MIN | 150.8/188.5 |
工作裝置 | operation devices | ||
動臂油缸數-內徑×行程 | movable Arm cylinder number diameter×piston stroke | MM | 2-160×788 |
轉斗油缸數-內徑×行程 | rotated bucket cylinder number diameter×piston stroke | MM | 1-180×520 |
工作泵 | working pump | ||
型號 | type | CBGJ2080 | |
轉速 | rotated speed | r/min | 2200 |
流量 | flux | L | 220 |
工作壓力 | working pressure | MPA | 18 |
工作裝置 | working devices | 單搖臂翻轉四連桿機構 | |
電氣系統 | eletric system | ||
系統電壓 | system voltage | V | 24 |
蓄電池型號 | accumulator | N200 | |
照明電壓 | light voltage | V | 24 |
柴油機啟動電壓 | engine start voltage | V | 24 |
加注油量 | oil filling capacity | L | |
柴油機燃油 | diesel engine fuel | L | 280 |
柴油機機油 | diesel engine oil | L | 22 |
液壓油 | hydraulic oil | L | 210 |
變速箱 | gearbox | L | 45 |
前後驅動橋主傳動 | front and rear bridge | L | 28×2 |
4 | front and rear force booster | L | 2 |
水箱 | water tank | L | 24 |
暖風系統 | heating system | ||
系統電壓 | system voltage | V | 24 |
工作介質 | working material | 發動機熱水 | |
供熱量 | produce caloric | W | 5800 |
