產品類別 | 雨衣 | 品牌 | 騰興 |
是否一次性 | 是 | 適用人群 | 成人 |
產地 | 河北 | 箱裝數量 | 200 |
適用送禮場合 | 廣告促銷、商務饋贈、節日、喬遷 | 加印LOGO | 可以 |
是否提供加工定制 | 是 |
主要產品有: 服裝,嬰兒用品,嬰兒服裝,安全背心,反光背心,塑料製品,
PVC雨衣,雨披, PVC嬰兒尿片,PVC嬰兒尿褲,嬰兒蚊帳,尿墊,嬰兒屋,PVC安
We supply security vest nets clothing factory is located in welcome to negotiate the world civilization ZhaoZhou bridge, the company was founded in 1991, has been for customers from all over the world
Provide high quality products and services in the world, with a very good voice, for the convenience of all old and new customers,
Open offices in guangzhou.
Main products: clothing, baby, baby clothes, safety, reflective vest vest, plastic products,
YuPi raincoat, disposable diapers, PVC plastic disposable diapers, PEVA babies, pure cotton pad, urinary tract, baby pants
Mosquito, baby, baby bed, PVC plastic vest, our factory is a one-time raincoat, YuPi do PE, and
YuPi raincoat, PVC, PVC baby diapers, PVC baby pants, baby, urinary tract, baby bed mat, PVC
The vest, etc... Professional factories,
Mainly for export, hope to have this business of foreign trade companies and offices to contact with us!
![戶外旅遊登山專用一次性雨衣【遊樂場 漂流】_雨衣_傘、雨衣_家居用品_貨源_批發一路發](http://www.marketplace.com.tw/skin/en/image/step.jpg)