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    東莞市尚康矽膠制品有限公司秉著“流行、時尚、自由、運動、健康、環保、多功能”的經營理念,追求卓越,創造完美,努力為客戶創造最大價值。憑著其積極進取的精神和廣大客戶的鼎力支持,並輔以精心嚴謹的管理,不斷發展壯大。公司以創新適應市場發展,以人為本,以客戶為上帝,以產品質量創信譽。堅定以“ 誠信、服務”面對客戶,讓客戶享投資少、創益高。  主營產品:  1.功能性產品系列:負離子手表、負離子項圈手環、鍺項圈,鈦項圈,鍺鈦項鏈手鏈等.  2.個人用品系列:矽膠手表,矽膠手鐲,指環,矽膠塑身保健腰帶,矽膠鞋墊、矽膠手環、矽膠項環等。  3.功能性材料:電氣石、負離子粉、鍺粉、遠紅外粉、鈦粉、竹炭粉等。
      4.不銹鋼制品:不銹鋼手鏈、不銹鋼項鏈、不銹鋼戒指等飾品  我們遵循為客戶提供“精湛的技術、卓越的品質、優質的服務、優惠的價格”的發展宗旨,為客戶降低成本,為我們贏得市場。在今後的發展過程中,我們將一如既往的以卓越的品質,真誠的服務服務於客戶。歡迎各行業來電、來圖、來樣垂詢,本公司將為貴公司提供優質的服務
    我們的服務宗旨:滿足顧客需求,超越顧客期待。客戶的滿意就是我們的追求。以精湛的技術和優質的服務來回報客戶對我們的信任。 建立瞭良好的質量管理體系,保質,保量,準時地完成客戶交付的任務。堅持“微利爭市場,質量求生存”的宗旨, 秉持“用戶至上”的理念,努力做到“雙贏”,真誠的希望與各界朋友合作,攜手並進,共創美好未來






     本公司還提供XB,PB 手環項鏈,法藤系列的批發,詳情請咨詢店主


    What is EFX?

    EFX is an embedded wearable holographic technology designed to maximize performance and overall well-being by increasing balance, strength, and flexibility. EFX’s technology consists of frequencies that are highly compatible with both humans and animals on a cellular level. Because it works instantly when placed in close proximity with the body’s electromagnetic field, real time functional performance gains can often be demonstrated.

    Like acupuncture, acupressure or deep therapeutic massage, we believe that placing EFX energetic dots near specific energy centers or chakras, may promote or enhance the energy flow along the main meridian channels.

    We all have an energy field which surrounds and interacts with our physical body. This field responds to all influences, both external and internal. Your energy will strengthen when interacting with something that nurtures it and will weaken when exposed to disruptive influences.

    The energy state of the field affects our body’s state of health. When your body is in harmony, muscles relax, blood flow increases, and relaxation replaces tension.

    Most people can feel the effects of EFX by testing the body's energy field. Simple kinesiology may be used to determine the immediate change in muscle strength, balance, flexibility and range of motion. Muscle testing is the measuring of the energy response through the strength of a muscle in the body.

    Simply put, EFX is designed to resonate with and tune your body’s naturally occurring bio-electric frequencies, impacting function and performance. It is not a medical device, nor is it intended for use in the diagnosis, cure, treatment, or prevention of disease

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