l 深圳市世新榮進出口貿易有限公司下設世新榮禮品設計制造廠專業從事五金飾品、掛帶、掛繩、手機套、電腦包等禮贈品及電子禮品的生產和國內外貿易。公司自成立以來,堅持以人才為企業核心競爭力,凝聚瞭一批優秀的產品設計師、開模打板師和銷售管理人才,具備完善的生產銷售服務體系。公司自主專利飾品品牌“仔仔”以前衛的設計理念、精湛的制作工藝引領手機飾品的消費潮流並與中國移動、匡威、SONY、長安奔奔、日本凸版、KONKA、AUX、T-MOBILE等大型公司成功建立OEM合作夥伴,產品暢銷國內外。
l 我們以產品規格齊全、起版快、交貨準時、價格實惠、服務周到、信譽良好贏得國內外廣大客戶的信賴和好評。未來,我們將持續推進服務體系變革,為客戶需求提供最佳解決方案!
做大貨之前先付30%定金 大貨驗收合格後發貨前付清剩下的70% 具體的歡迎來電/來廠面談。
l Shenzhen world new glory import-export trade limited company and factory (Named Shenzhen world New glory gifts design&manufacture co.,ltd) specialized in produce, design and sale the mobile phone lanyards, straps and belts products, bags and cases, metal and hardware charms, plastic pvc dolls,plush toy such gifts and other electronic gifts.
l Our company is organized by a group of professional staff. We have integration technology workshop with Ribbon, Hardware stamping, electronic matching printing, assembly, packaging, silk screen, corrosion, oxidation in the factory.
l Furthermore, our company has established OEM partner ship with world wide famous companies; they are China Mobile, Japanese TOPPAN, KONKA, AUX,T-MOBILE,Vodafone,SONY and any others. Our products was warmly welcome by indoor customer and abroad customer as our engineer and designer department can supply complete OEM service according to our precise technology and fashion design sense. Also we win our customer’s trust and praise by full product specifications, quickly samples, on time delivery, reasonable price, best courteous service and our good reputations.
l In the future, we will continue to promote the service system changes so as to provide the best solution to meet our customer‘s demand!
