我們的服務宗旨:客戶的期望和需求就是我們的追求;良好的質量管理體系,保質,保量,準時地完成客戶交付的任務;以全新的理念,與各界朋友真誠合作,攜手並進,共創美好未來!聯系方式;13713027581 QQ513314867 MSN;[email protected]
Professional lucky bags, amulets, sachets, Yu Shou. Is a product you trust
Our services: customer expectations and needs is our pursuit; good quality management system, quality, quantity, time to complete the mandate entrusted to customers; to new ideas, and all the friends and sincere cooperation, hand in hand, a better future! Contact; 13713027581 QQ513314867 MSN;[email protected]
Note: The image product is permanent, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province, China Shenzhen Factory Co., Ltd. trademark woven label design custom personalized for the customer, and is for reference only, is not for sale, ownership of products and trademarks for the customer.
Inquiry welcome to visit our factory!
