註意哦,紫外線主要是通過對微生物(細菌、病毒、芽孢等病原體) 的輻射損傷和破壞核酸的功能使微生物致死,從而達到消毒的目的。紫外線對核酸的作用可導致鍵和鏈的斷裂、股間交聯和形成光化產物等,從而改變瞭DNA的生物活性,使微生物自身不能復制。
Kooler mobile phone is to help your phone sterilizer disinfection. Your phone is probably the most often contact you of the electronic equipment, no matter one of you be where he can use it. Although the existence of mobile communication convenient for people to contact, but the frequent use of mobile phones on the create the perfect bacteria living environment. Do you know how many germs lurking in your mobile phone? These bacteria lurk at any time is dangerous your physical health hidden trouble
