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         中山市新意念塑膠制品有限公司 位於孫中山故居廣東省中山市,主營PVC充氣產品系列如充氣沙灘球,充氣泳圈,手臂圈,充氣浮排,充氣船,充氣滑水器,滑雪器,充氣玩具,充氣水床,充氣沙發,充氣坐墊,充氣水池,充氣公仔,充氣不倒翁,充氣瓶子,充氣廣告禮品,充氣促銷品,充氣汽球等近2000多個品種,所有產品均符合歐州EN71和美國ASTM安全標準,出廠前全部經過充氣測試,以保證產品的質量。嚴格的質量控制,領先且極富經驗的行業技術,先進的設備,快速的交貨期限,極具競爭力的價格,完善的銷售服務讓我們的產品遠銷歐美,南美,日本,韓國及一些亞洲國傢,遍佈世界40多個國傢,贏得瞭國內外客戶的青睞。目前通過瞭ICTI跟GSV,並且每年都會年審,公司秉承“顧客至上,銳意進取”的經營理念,堅持“客戶第一”的原則為廣大客戶提供優質的服務。歡迎惠顧!

    Welcome to New Time Plastic Mfg Ltd. You ve reached one of the biggest website in the Inflatable Games Industry! There is full of information about our products, technical data and great images that allow you to get to know the best inflatable games in the world as if you could reach out and touch them.

    Our factory get the certificate of ICTI and GSV factory audit which Wal-Mart,Disney etc. big and famous buyer approved.

    We are known world wide as the leader in innovation, design and value in the Indoor Center and Rental market. With worldwide locations in the USA, South America, Europe, we can say we cover the world!

    Feel free to explore our 1st factory websitewww.inflatables.cc, where you ll found incredible inflatables such as Bounce Houses, Advertising Inflatables, Water inflatable Games, Obstacle Courses, Slides and Combos. whether it is giant product replicas, corporate logos, characters, arches,Sky dancer and tents we can do it all. If you can envision it we can design and build.

    Besides, if you are interested in all kinds of PVC inflatables, such as beach ball, swimming tools, pools, boats, advertising PVC inflatables, PVC toys etc., then pls explore our 2nd factory website atwww.inflatables.cnand get more informabout about it.

    Give the product pages a view and tweak your imagination, then contact our product specialist and let us create your thoughts. Our competitive prices , high quality , fast delivery time and good service can help you to win the orders.


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