品牌 | HASUC | 型號 | HS系列 |
工作室尺寸 | 歡迎致電 400-880-6667 瞭解更多!(mm) | 溫度範圍 | 4-60(℃) |
溫度波動度 | 歡迎致電 400-880-6667 瞭解更多!(℃) | 溫度均勻度 | 歡迎致電 400-880-6667 瞭解更多!(%) |
控溫方式 | 歡迎致電 400-880-6667 瞭解更多! | 適用範圍 | 歡迎致電 400-880-6667 瞭解更多! |
S系列台式恆溫培養搖床HSSeriesDesktop small-capacity Constant Temperature Shaking Incubator頻調,eH04
This type of instrument is widely used in germ culture, ferment, hybridization, and research of biochemical reaction; enzyme and cellular tissue and all those require high temperature and oscillation frequency.sr0wsCm
4.P.I.D environmental scanning micro-processing controller and intelligentized audio and visual alarm,The large LCD screen clearly indicates the preset and real parameters.
6.The operating parameter locked by encryption prevents misoperation.7.Operating parameter memory function avoids monotonous operations
8.AC inductive long-life motor design, broad speed regulation, constant torque, constant speed of rotation, no carbon brush and maintenance free.
9.Over-temperature audio and visual alarming function can automatically cut off the power when the motor overheated, temperature out of control or abnormal temperature occurs.
10.Provided with power-off recovery function, the equipment can automatically recover to run according to the originally designed programs when the external power is recovered after a sudden cut off.
11.Wiring of the acceleration control ensures soft start, smooth acceleration and the security of samples.
12.The luxurious streamline mould involving aesthetic designing, static plastic-spraying case and large toughened glass window.養eerd3l
產品型號Modelr5,Oev、 | HS-100Cheai22p | HS-100B℃02設具0s | HS-200B0ou0er6 | |
旋轉頻率範圍Speed Range三6Ttnio | 40∽300rpmr途car背g | 40∽400rpmd能的e0c儀 | ||
頻率精度Speed Precision恢ndgssn | ±1rpm電c4SO0s | |||
擺振幅度Oscillation Amplitudeer運Ho程d | Φ25mmodner(i | |||
最大容量Maximum Capacityfwoc(na | 50ml×12 or100ml×9 or 250ml×6nPue對la | 50ml×20 or100ml×16 | 00ml×20 or 250ml×16 or 500ml×12 or 1000ml × 9tarmcle | |
標準配置Standard Configurationaeio5ev | 100ml×9te3vn穩8 | 50ml×4 100ml×4 250ml×3 500ml×3eSati。e | 50ml×5 100ml×5 250ml×4 500ml×3cde8r)- | |
托盤尺寸Tray Dimension技daut保p | 280×220(mm)mO運h控3幅 | 450×370(mm)動obn儀(理 | 450×410(mm)comuo0w | |
定時範圍Time RangeHp)inf8 | 0—999小時(Hour)r0容c對Ne | |||
溫控範圍Temperature Range6pap應0f | RT+5℃-60℃i1ed命聲e | 4-60℃m過eiv4外 | ||
溫度波動Temp. Control Precisiont溫培cirt | ±0.5℃(恆溫狀態)(Homoeothermic))oo數arn | |||
溫度均勻度Temperature Uniformitym2止cbo0 | ±1℃0l1rhli | |||
數顯方式Display0ead,nn | LCD-rlea(D | |||
托盤數量Tray Numberuoa,spc | 1Pcs(accessories available)a1Are化e | |||
外型尺寸Exterior DimensionulCorr操 | 440×410×390(mm)型ml、tna | 660×580×510(mm)ank和w用n | 780×682×560(mm)(pvi轉1i | |
包裝尺寸Packing Dimensionl控o0rcn | 560×560×580(mm)高0eo.rd | 730×730×700(mm)m恢s屏0an | 840×840×740(mm)oytr電sP | |
淨重Net Weight型bcat.t | 31kgn保為電e速t | 72kgyrite數c | 100kgt聲0c速td | |
容積Capacitycm為來se斷 | 320×295×190(mm)(20L)ynrtm2b | 440×405×270(mm)(48L)極aZ力t)m | 480×450×320(mm)(70L)℃s.,6ai | |
消耗功率Consumption Powerec流ed容( | 310W數1參可Ccy | 580Wah用0i3失 | 580Wa0ohrat | |
電源Voltageyi復s(lm | AC 220V±10% 50∽60HZats5ah幕 | |||
HS系列臥式恆溫培養搖床HSSerieshorizontalLarge-capacity Constant Temperature Shaking Incubatorev長resi
HS horizontal shaking incubator, particularly developed for modern biological engineering companies, HS-211B/111B is the standard mode; max bottle size up to 1000ml. HS-211C/111C is the heightened mode, max bottle size up to 5000ml.The HS horizontal shaking incubator is widely used in germ culture, ferment, hybridization, and research of biochemical reaction, enzyme and cellular tissue and all those require high temperature and oscillation frequency. It has a wide and important range of applications in research of medicine, biology, numerator, pharmacy and environmental protection.Weo21ia
1.P.I.D environmental scanning micro-processing controller and intelligentized audio and visual alarm2.The large LCD screen clearly indicates the preset and real parameters.
3.The operating parameter locked by encryption prevents misoperation.4.Operating parameter memory function avoids monotonous operations
5.Timer up to 999 hours and audio and visual alarm will be activated when shaking terminates.
6.AC inductive long-life motor design, broad speed regulation, constant torque, constant speed of rotation, no carbon brush and maintenance free.
7.Over-temperature audio and visual alarming function can automatically cut off the power when the motor overheated, temperature out of control or abnormal temperature occurs.
8.Provided with power-off recovery function, the equipment can automatically recover to run according to the originally designed programs when the external power is recovered after a sudden cut off.
9.Wiring of the acceleration control ensures soft start, smooth acceleration and the security of samples.
10.The luxurious streamline mould involving aesthetic designing, static plastic-spraying case and large toughened glass window.k養0Sm電m
產品型號Modelo、0rloo | HS-211B0arcneB | HS-111Brrpsg圍1 | HS-211C電eari器c | HS-111Cpuec密t動 |
旋轉頻率範圍Speed Rangeopeo8dd | 60∽300rpmo產5理dd0 | |||
頻率精度Speed Precision0eH可ag參 | ±1rpmitucv2i | |||
擺振幅度Oscillation Amplitudeeili8處. | Φ26mmuom∽pa托 | |||
最大容量Maximum Capacityrra產0ec | 250ml×36 or 500ml×28 or 1000ml×181ro5ei智 | 500mL×28、1000mL×18、2000mL×8、3000mL×8、5000mL×6c定儀wi5a | ||
標準配置Standard Configuratione環t數c-l | 500ml×28h工dir物定 | 8×2000ml態sipe電a | ||
托盤尺寸Tray Dimensionl.述crr培 | 920×550(mm)r要該電Dl溫 | 920×500(mm)cmeus-o | ||
定時範圍Time Range.5e,emr | 0—999小時(Hour)usphTr的 | |||
溫控範圍Temperature Rangeroae溫rH | 4-60℃Cre、c1t | RT+5℃-60℃o0mt5幕供 | 4-60℃aounns一 | RT+5℃-60℃e8℃atcD |
溫度波動Temp. Control Precision;Chs,(u | ±0.5℃(恆溫狀態)(Homoeothermic)t4onoir | |||
溫度均勻度Temperature Uniformitymoshgin | ±1℃o0ltNlo | |||
數顯方式Displaycort備sf | LCDuausm.O | |||
托盤數量Tray NumberImdWira | 1Pcs (accessories available)llpaeiv | |||
外型尺寸Exterior Dimensiona型hi運cx | 1200×740×800(mm)2Bo體m0培 | 1200×740×1000(mm)lraem0s | ||
包裝尺寸Packing Dimensiont7nrid, | 1320×830×1000(mm)5serena | 1320×830×1150(mm)lfet數0c | ||
淨重Net WeightC養psfon | 174kgeTSnixn | 160kg無m1溫eeu | 183kge20e0hr | 168kguFueole |
容積Capacitym參n動can | 970×565×280(mm)(155L)mtir)em | 970×565×480(mm)(265L)oWelat屏 | ||
消耗功率Consumption Power0+8Sr0a | 866WhpWe、示y | 570W應.穩poCi | 951W制.mufnl | 676W(zeVo電o |
電源Voltagetm液確re究 | AC 220V±10% 50∽60HZh8af加oi |
