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We are professional produce animal glue which used for the high quality gift box, hard book cover, file and so on. These two shapes for the glue, one is jelly and another one is powder. According to the product requirements, it is have many kinds of the glue. All products have the examination report of the environmental protection safety of Hong Kong standard and testing center. All types of our glue past theRoHS certificate.
Jelly glue used in the machine which has the heating device. Because of the lower water in the glue, clean and environmental protection, it can avoid bad quality such as: distortion, bubble, moldy and so on .Now it is necessary to use for the high quality gift box and hard book cover.
A present, all kinds of glue made in Hua Kang are used for the many large factory in domestic market, also export toSoutheast Asia, Middle East area. It is match full automatic/semi automatic box making machine of Japan, Germany, Italy and Chinese box making machine with heating device. Now our glue became the first choice Suppliers for the machine manufacturer.
型 號:BH-505 (嗜喱膠 既果凍膠)
BH-505 Jelly glue used for the book cover forming machine with the speed 40-60 pcs /min, full automatic box making machine and high speed automatic book cover forming machine.
型 號:BH-502(嗜喱膠 既果凍膠)
適用範圍:用於各類高檔精裝書的書殼、像冊、禮品盒。 適用於東莞鴻銘機械、力源機械廠,溫州銳博、老摸等生產的飛達、膠輪上糊機器系列,即:半自動製作設備。
特 性:氣味清香,粘性強,流動性好,使用效果清潔,折疊性強,乾燥時間快;由於含水量低,可以解決書殼製作後容易產生的變形、發脆、起泡等現象,對機器不會產生腐蝕作用。塗層只是一般膠水的一半。
BH-502 Jelly glue with lower water, strong adhesive, glue drying very quickly, it is easy to suitable for the work temperature. The thickness for pasting is the half of the normal glue. It is used for the high quality hard book cover, file, gift box made by
semi automatic machine and by hand.
包 裝:20公斤/箱
GJ-501 animal glue powder, it is according to the characteristic of printing and packing, sweep the original animal strange smell, increase liquidity, eliminating bubble, antisepsis and increase adhesive, we do a lot of work process during making glue. Because of using this glue you should add two times water, so this glue used for middle class and lower class products.
