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    Simulative reshaping




    SYNCROMAX is the first 3D simulative reshaping.It doesn’t adopt expensive 3D scanning and just needs 2 photographs(front/reverse) to recover 3D image.It is a very excellent product in the cost performance.


    SYNCROMAX is devided into 3 mode.

    -EZ圖像image MODE

    -Half 3D MODE

    -Full 3D MODE


    EZ圖像方式是很容易使用的,不需要準備階段而可直接使用的初級方式(MODE)。Half 3D方式(MODE)是中級方式,有若幹準備階段,可實際模擬整形時可以使用得很方便。Full 3D方式是高級方式,比中級方式需要更多的準備階段,還有許多註意事項。可是3D實現後模擬整形時通過一次操作就可達到正面,側面圖像的自動轉換。

    EZ IMAGE MODE which doesn’t spend a period to make reparation and can be used directily for the primary period is easy to be used.Half 3D MODE which has several prepared periods is medium grade mode.The mode is used conveniently in the practical siumlative reshaping.Full 3D mode is high grade mode which need more prepared periods and a lot of precautions than the medium grade mode.While you can reach the automatic convertion between the front and the side image with one operation in the simulative reshaping after 3D.

    沒時間,忙的時候,主要使用EZ圖像方式(MODE)就好。有充分的時間,使用Half 3D方式也可以。Full 3D方式是因高級方式要熟知操作方式,要充分的時間。患者第一次訪問時隻拍照,然後下次訪問的時候給患者看Half 3D

    It is best to use EZ image mode when you are busy.It is also good to use Half 3D in sufficient time.As full 3D is high grade mode and need enough time the master the operated mode.In the first visit,the patients just for taking pictures and then in the next visit ,the patients can see the Half 3D.

    Ø程序執行procedure implement



    Please click doubly the picture mark SyncroMax or the starting bartton in the windows →procedure→Korea Show 3D reshaping system→Korea Show 3D reshaping system .And after a period there will show the following primary picture.



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