由人工佈料,經過上下層皮帶整壓以後,把軟包裝的高凸部分壓平,此設備壓料的厚度可根據不同的包裝上下自由調節,調節范圍150克/袋-5000克/袋。 此設備適用於醬菜、水煮菜等蔬菜加工的廠傢
From artificial fabrics, after pressure on the lower belt, the whole then, the flexible convex part of the high pressure level, the device the thickness of binder according to different packaging freely up and down adjustment, adjustment range 150 grams / bag -5000 grams / bag. This equipment applies to pickles, boiled dishes vegetable processing factories
由人工佈料,經過上下層皮帶整壓以後,把軟包裝的高凸部分壓平,此設備壓料的厚度可根據不同的包裝上下自由調節,調節范圍150克/袋-5000克/袋。 此設備適用於醬菜、水煮菜等蔬菜加工的廠傢
From artificial fabrics, after pressure on the lower belt, the whole then, the flexible convex part of the high pressure level, the device the thickness of binder according to different packaging freely up and down adjustment, adjustment range 150 grams / bag -5000 grams / bag. This equipment applies to pickles, boiled dishes vegetable processing factories