Dunlop 工藝乳膠枕簡介:
DUNLOP的基本工藝由混合、發泡、註模、硫化、沖洗、烘乾等組成。而DUNLOP工藝采用的是化學發泡原理,最大的區別在於一個是先註模後發泡,一個是先發泡後註模,故TALAlay工藝的成本和難度都要遠遠大於DUNLOP工藝。特拉蕾Talalay工藝發泡而成的乳膠海綿屬於開孔結構,鄧祿普Dunlop工藝發泡 的乳膠海綿屬於閉孔結構,所以Talalay工藝的乳膠枕具有彈性更好、透氣性更佳的優點,但是工藝較復雜,成本較高,開發新產品的難度較大;而 Dunlop工藝的乳膠枕具有成本低、開發快、造型豐富等優點,柔軟高彈,永不變形
The basic process of Dunlop is inclunding mixing,foaming,injection molding,and high temperature heating,washing and dring.It's characterized by mechanical foaming and slowing to gel.By Dunlop precess,the foam has excellent cushioning and resistance to compression as well as good heat insulation properties.Because of its relatively simple process to develop and cost is the world's most widely used in latex manufacturing process.
The advantage is low cost,simple modeling and processing developing fast and cost saving,so a rich variety of latex products can be developed.Not only the superiorty of natural latex can strongly influence the quality,but also the latex can meet all the needs of different groups of products made of latex.Durable and Enduring
