奧地利isi不銹鋼多功能發泡器 冷熱兩用型發泡器 可用熱原料1403![undefined](https://cbu01.alicdn.com/img/ibank/2015/943/429/2430924349_1892155583.jpg)
冷熱兩用型發泡器 iSi Gourmet Whipper PLUS | | |
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0.25升 冷熱兩用型 發泡器 0.25L Gourmet Whip PLUS | 型號Model:1603
0.5升 冷熱兩用型 發泡器 0.5L Gourmet Whip PLUS | 型號Model:1703
1.0升 冷熱兩用型 發泡器 1.0 L Gourmet Whip PLUS |
| ..冷熱兩用型:用於製作冷的/熱的泡沫、小點心、冷熱醬汁等。 | For cold and warm preparations.For preparing hot and cold Espumas, finger foods, sauces, creamy soups, as well as whipped cream and other desserts; |
產品參數Technicals |
品名 Description: | 0.25升 冷熱兩用型 發泡器 0.25L Gourmet Whip PLUS | | 型號 Model: | 1403 | | 品牌 Brand: | iSi | | 產地 Origin: | 奧地利 Austria | | 不銹鋼杯容量 Bowl Capacity: | 0.25L | | 隨機附送 Included : | 3個裱花頭,1個氣彈容器; Packed with 3 different decorator tips, a charger holder | |
| 品名 Description: | 0.5升 冷熱兩用型 發泡器 0.5L Gourmet Whip PLUS | | 型號 Model: | 1603 | | 品牌 Brand: | iSi | | 產地 Origin: | 奧地利 Austria | | 不銹鋼杯容量 Bowl Capacity: | 0.5L | | 隨機附送 Included : | 3個裱花頭,1個氣彈容器; Packed with 3 different decorator tips, a charger holder | |
| 品名 Description: | 1.0升 冷熱兩用型 發泡器 1.0L Gourmet Whip PLUS | | 型號 Model: | 1703 | | 品牌 Brand: | iSi | | 產地 Origin: | 奧地利 Austria | | 不銹鋼杯容量 Bowl Capacity: | 1.0L | | 隨機附送 Included : | 3個裱花頭,1個氣彈容器; Packed with 3 different decorator tips, a charger holder | |
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性能特點Features |
![](https://img.alicdn.com/imgextra/i4/814443205/T2CWIQXa8aXXXXXXXX_!!814443205.jpg) | 冷熱兩用型:用於製作冷的/熱的泡沫、小點心、冷熱醬汁等; | | For cold and warm preparations.For preparing hot and cold Espumas, finger foods, sauces, creamy soups, as well as whipped cream and other desserts ; | | | | | ![](https://img.alicdn.com/imgextra/i4/814443205/T2CWIQXa8aXXXXXXXX_!!814443205.jpg) | 輕松快捷地製作蓬松的發泡奶油或加入調味糖漿的發泡奶油,以及美味可口的甜點; | | For a special treat, add your favorite syrup to create a delicious flavored cream; | | | | | ![](https://img.alicdn.com/imgextra/i4/814443205/T2CWIQXa8aXXXXXXXX_!!814443205.jpg) | 瓶體和瓶蓋均為不銹鋼材質-專為餐飲業的最高標準而研製; | | High-quality stainless steel bottle and head – designed to withstand the rigors of the professional kitchen; | | | | | ![](https://img.alicdn.com/imgextra/i4/814443205/T2CWIQXa8aXXXXXXXX_!!814443205.jpg) | 隨機配備有3鐘花樣的裱花嘴以及1個氣囊瓶; | | Comes with 3 different decorator tips and a charger holde; | | | | |
鮮奶發泡彈(發泡氣囊)about Cream Chargers |
![](https://img.alicdn.com/imgextra/i4/814443205/T2CWIQXa8aXXXXXXXX_!!814443205.jpg) | 發泡氣囊內裝有N2O氮氣,含量為8克; | | One charger contains approx. 8 g pure N2O. | | | | | ![](https://img.alicdn.com/imgextra/i4/814443205/T2CWIQXa8aXXXXXXXX_!!814443205.jpg) | 每個氣囊可對0.5升容量的鮮奶發泡; | | Use one charger for 0.5 L ; | | | | | ![](https://img.alicdn.com/imgextra/i4/814443205/T2CWIQXa8aXXXXXXXX_!!814443205.jpg) | 氣囊為銀灰色,一次性使用,不能重復充氣; | | Made of 100% recyclable steel, silver lacquered, non-refillable; | | | | | ![](https://img.alicdn.com/imgextra/i4/814443205/T2CWIQXa8aXXXXXXXX_!!814443205.jpg) | 每盒10支,鮮奶發泡器內不含發泡氣囊,需單獨購買; | | 10 pieces in package; | | | | |
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| | 真空保溫型發泡器 iSi Thermo Whip PLUS | | |
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0.5升 真空保溫型 發泡器 0.5L Thermo Whip PLUS.. |
| ..雙層不銹鋼內膽,真空保溫:冷保溫-8小時,熱保溫-3小時。 | Double walled stainless steel vacuum bottle with maximum insulating performance: Keeps cool up to 8 hours - keeps warm up to 3 hours.; |
產品參數Technicals |
品名 Description: | 0.5升 真空保溫型 發泡器 0.5L Thermo Whip PLUS.. | | 型號 Model: | 1801 | | 品牌 Brand: | iSi | | 產地 Origin: | 奧地利 Austria | | 不銹鋼杯容量 Bowl Capacity: | 0.5L | | 隨機附送 Included : | 3個裱花頭,1個氣彈容器,1個清潔毛刷; Packed with 3 different decorator tips, a charger holder,a cleaning brush; | |
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性能特點Features |
![](https://img.alicdn.com/imgextra/i4/814443205/T2CWIQXa8aXXXXXXXX_!!814443205.jpg) | 雙層不銹鋼內膽,真空保溫:冷保溫-8小時,熱保溫-3小時。; | | Double walled stainless steel vacuum bottle with maximum insulating performance: Keeps cool up to 8 hours - keeps warm up to 3 hours.; | | | | | ![](https://img.alicdn.com/imgextra/i4/814443205/T2CWIQXa8aXXXXXXXX_!!814443205.jpg) | 因為隔熱保溫,所以外殼不會太燙和太冷,手感舒適; | | No matter how warm or cold the contents, double-wall construction keeps the bottle comfortable to the touch; | | | | | ![](https://img.alicdn.com/imgextra/i4/814443205/T2CWIQXa8aXXXXXXXX_!!814443205.jpg) | 良好的保溫,可保持食物的質感,更適用於在沒有冰箱和加熱設施的場合,; | | Improves consistency of contents by maintaining an ideal serving temperature for each serving,Portable, so it's perfect for use in places wher no refrigeration or reheating source is available.; | | | | | ![](https://img.alicdn.com/imgextra/i4/814443205/T2CWIQXa8aXXXXXXXX_!!814443205.jpg) | 用於製作冷的/熱的泡沫、小點心、冷熱醬汁等; | | For preparing hot and cold Espumas, finger foods, sauces, creamy soups, as well as whipped cream and other desserts ; | | | | | ![](https://img.alicdn.com/imgextra/i4/814443205/T2CWIQXa8aXXXXXXXX_!!814443205.jpg) | 隨機配備有3鐘花樣的裱花嘴以及1個氣囊瓶; | | Comes with 3 different decorator tips and a charger holde; | | | | |
鮮奶發泡彈(發泡氣囊)about Cream Chargers |
![](https://img.alicdn.com/imgextra/i4/814443205/T2CWIQXa8aXXXXXXXX_!!814443205.jpg) | 發泡氣囊內裝有N2O氮氣,含量為8克; | | One charger contains approx. 8 g pure N2O. | | | | | ![](https://img.alicdn.com/imgextra/i4/814443205/T2CWIQXa8aXXXXXXXX_!!814443205.jpg) | 每個氣囊可對0.5升容量的鮮奶發泡; | | Use one charger for 0.5 L ; | | | | | ![](https://img.alicdn.com/imgextra/i4/814443205/T2CWIQXa8aXXXXXXXX_!!814443205.jpg) | 氣囊為銀灰色,一次性使用,不能重復充氣; | | Made of 100% recyclable steel, silver lacquered, non-refillable; | | | | | ![](https://img.alicdn.com/imgextra/i4/814443205/T2CWIQXa8aXXXXXXXX_!!814443205.jpg) | 每盒10支,鮮奶發泡器內不含發泡氣囊,需單獨購買; | | 10 pieces in package; |
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