- 貨號: SC9019
- 主體材質: ABS
- 動力: 3節7號電池
- 功能: 雙組鬧鈴,帶背光夜光感應 貪睡功能,工作日鬧鈴,溫度,溫度計,時間,日期,星期顯示
- 產品名稱:貪睡靜音夜光感應聰明鬧鐘
- 顏色分類: 白色、黑色、玫紅色、深藍色、淺綠色
- (可訂製其它顏色 天藍色,橙色,粉色,黃色等)
- 顯示屏: LCD顯示
- 按鍵字體:英文版,英文字顯示
- 可以根據客人要求印刷LOGO
- 包裝:汽泡袋+說明書+彩盒包裝
- 裝箱資料:60PCS/CTN 毛重:13KG 凈重:12KG 箱規:43.5X3037CM
SC6019三組鬧鈴貪睡鬧鐘SC6019 English manual
1.When the transfer/ month button
2.Adjustable points/ day/ temperature knob
3.Snooze button/ light/ light control device
4.Adjustable years/ hour conversion button
5.Function selection button
6.The alarm control button
7.Smart lights switch
8.Battery cover
Insert the battery and starts the alarm clock
Open the battery cover(8)
According to the lower part of the battery slot indicates batteries
The right into the three AAA
Take care not to mix old and new batteries
Time setting
Press the function button(5) to the time setting position
Adjustable button press transfer/month(1) required to the set time,Long press into fast incremental mode,Special attention to the PM and AM time, when is set to PM
After a time, PM will be displayed
According to the tone/ daily button/ temperature knob(2) to the desired setting minutes
Set will function selection button(5) is allocated to the locked position
Alarm settings
Push function button(5) to alarm set position
The alarm time one displayed alarm time will be flashing
Press HOUR(1) and MIN(2) repuired to the set time . Long press into fast incremental mode
Press alarm button(4) The alarm time display ON. In this mode, press MIN(2) or HOUR(1) is ON and OFF conversion
Then press Alarm button(4), Display appear alarm 2 marks. press HOUR(1) and MIN(2) repuired to the set second time
Then press Alarm button(4), Display appear alarm 3 marks. press HOUR(1) and MIN(2) repuired to the set third time
Long press into fast ineremental mode
After the adjustment value,press alarm button(4), appear ON. press MIN(2) or HOUR(1) is ON and OFF conversion
Then Alarm button(4),cycle to alarm 1 ste mode. Three alarm set complete
In the alarm 1/ alarm2/alarm3 mode,Display ON open for alarm, Display OFF down for alarm
Set date/ temperature conversion
Press the function button(5) to the time setting position
According to the transfer/ conversion button(4) to theempty set year
Adjustable button press transfer/month(1) repuired toset the month
According to the ton/daily button/ temperature knob(2) repuired to set the date
Set will function selection button(5) si allocated to the locked position
According to the tone/ day/ temperature knob,temperature and degree of chinese type conversion functions
12/24 hour display settings
Toggle function selection button(5) to the time setting position
Press the transfer/ conversion button(4),can be realized 12/24 hour display conversion
As to the 24 hour show, a small “24” mark will appear in the upper left corner
Set will function selection button(5) is allocated to the locked position
The alarm switch state setting
The alarm control stick(6) to the open position,an alarmsymbol will appear,when reaching the alarm time pointalarm will, Lasts 60 seconds
The alarm control button(6) to the off position alarmsetting will cancel
Snooze and lighting function
When the alarm sound is ringing,press the sleep/lighting button(3),the alarm sound will stop after 5 minutes again
At the same time background exhibit of lanterns lit,lighting button(3) background lights will be lit at any time according to snooze
Light induction control function
The induction button(7) to the open position
The alarm will automatically according to the strength of environmental light to open background light,
The light effect,if the external environment of weak light,background light will open,otherwise will not open
Select the button pushing induction(7)to the off position will turn off this feature
Maintenance and storage
When the alarm clock when not in use, please do notinstall the battey and the original packing box
A piece of cloth or paper towel to clean the alarm clock can be soft,do not use corrosive or cleaning agent hasthe chemical composition of the cleaning.
Keep the alarm clock to clean and dry, to avoid any problems
