上麵總會有一些咖啡漬和不懷好意地留下瞭一個永遠也洗不掉的粉嫩紅唇。設計者充分利用這些Dirty,,創意性的直接設計一個非常有趣、搞怪的塗有這些畫的非主流個性水杯“Dirty Mug”。
no, really, it's a dirty mug
OK not quite.
Catch people out with a novelty mug that looks filthy, even when it's perfectly clean!
If you share a cupboard at work, it's one way to make sure no one borrows your mug!
Dishwasher and microwave safe, a great gift for freaking out most people!
no, really, it's a dirty mug
OK not quite.
Catch people out with a novelty mug that looks filthy, even when it's perfectly clean!
If you share a cupboard at work, it's one way to make sure no one borrows your mug!
Dishwasher and microwave safe, a great gift for freaking out most people!
無論從哪個方麵來說,這似乎都是一個名副其實的“臟”杯子(Dirty Mug),上麵不但惟妙惟肖地製作瞭一些咖啡漬,還不懷好意地留下瞭一個永遠也洗不掉的粉嫩紅唇——非常適合擺在你滿是煙灰和手指印的鍵盤旁,但是請不要讓老婆看到,否則難免會起一場風波~12美元一個.
