通用汽車迷你MDI,最初隻引入瞭Pass - Thru的編程功能。它能執行Pass - Thru編程在自從1993年到現在甚至是未來所有的車型。通用迷你MDI的所有汽車都必須執行關於選定審計署2009年車型。診斷軟件定為通用汽車在小型的MDI公佈2008年第四季度。
診斷開始時,MINI MDI還有遠程數據記錄功能。該功能可記錄路測時的數據,類似於Tech2的快照功能。A trigger switch connector即用於達到此目的。按照要求,編程程序應依從SAE(美國機動車工程師協會)指定協議J2534,GM SPS軟件依從此協議,GM MINI MDI也依從適用於通用汽車的J2534的部分協議內容。
Tech2仍然是一個必不可少的工具至少是2010產的車型。通用的Mini MDI將不支持過去介紹的診斷功能。並且,Tech2將繼續需要診斷之前的年份車型。遠程編程與Tech2將繼續支持所有的2007年產的車型。日後會提供附加的信息。
同時診斷的范圍包括所有96年至2010年的沃克斯豪爾/歐寶車型,它使用最新的GDS(全球診斷系統)的新模塊ASTRA J和INSIGNIA,以及所有其它型號TECH2WIN軟件。在此之前,Tech2工具需要最新的GDS軟件版本,而且你得有最新的ASTRA J和INSIGNIA,它是一個功能齊全的Tech2模擬器,讓你獲得和Tech2相同的功能(包括所有的)。
Mini MDI要比Tech2快20%至70%,是因為Tech2裡沒有添加ASTRA J /INSIGNIA軟件,是一個重要的原因讓您體驗到Mini MDI最新的功能模塊。該系統也可用於更新Tech2到最新的軟件版本,能保證充分的安全和編程訪問。此外,還包括全部的接線圖,信息服務,檢查程序,勞動時間,部分查找等等。
*一個龐大的數據庫中的校準文件給你預先加載到所有ECU reflashes訪問和配置必要的。
* 1個全新的MDI迷你介面
* 1個16針OBD的Mini介面J1962
* 1個USB介面電纜
* 1個用戶手冊
* 1個Mini MDI的驅動光盤
* 1個手提箱
New Super GM Mini MDI
What is good of MDI?
1.MDI: Increase reprogramming speed 20-70% and get ready to service new models
For pass-through programming of electronic control units on all vehicles built since 1996 and future model releases. The MDI is between 20% and 70% faster than Tech.Also remember the MDI allows a single technician to wirelessly view multiple MDIS from a single PC. This means a technician is no longer tied to the constraints of cable access points within a service bay-further increasing productivity and profitability.
2.the MDI is a valuable addition to your toolbox that will improve your profitability now!
KEY POINT: the MDI is the exclusive tool for servicing future vehicles-we encourage you to purchase at least one MDI as soon as possible so you are ready to service new models!
MDI is the only full-spectrum diagnostic and reprogramming tool capable of servicing new Delta and Epsilon vehicles (with auxiliary CAN bus that cannot be serviced by Tech2).Below is the list of vehicles being delivered this year that will rely exclusively on an MDI for service. Also note that diagnostic software upgrades are planned for release later this year for additional new 2009 and 2010 models.
The GM Mini MDI is initially being introduced with Pass-Thru programming capabilities only. It can be used to perform Pass-Thru programming on all vehicles built since 1993 and will support all vehicles into the future.The GM Mini MDI will be required to perform diagnostics on selected NAO vehicles for model year 2009. Diagnostic soft-ware is scheduled to be released for the GM Mini MDI during the fourth quarter of 2008.When diagnostics are introduced, the MDI will also get a remote data record capability. This permits recording data duringa road test, similar to the Tech 2 Snap Shot function. A trigger switch connector is provided for this purpose. Regulations require programming procedures to be compliant with SAE Recommended Practice J2534. The GM SPS is com-pliant with SAE Recommended Practice J2534, and the GM Mini MDI is compliant with the portions of SAE J2534 that are applicable for GM vehicles.
Package including:
1pc x GM MDI Mini Interface
1pc x USB cable
1pc x Ethernet cable
1pc x Owner’s manual CD
1pc x Suite Case
聯 系 人:林尊堅 先生 (銷售部 銷售員)
電 話:086 0755 86070629
傳 真:86 0755 26752441
地 址:中國 廣東 深圳市南山區 南山區西麗鎮茶光工業區3棟建興樓511
郵 編:518055
我們專業提供我們可以提供 3.15KVA, 4KVA, 5KVA, 6.3KVA, 8KVA, 10KVA 等規格的用於二類醫療區域的 三相 和 單相 隔離變壓器。
