WIFI OBD2 ELM327 scanner汽車診斷適配器支持所有OBD-II自診斷系統及與其相兼容的通訊協議檢測。通過與汽車的鏈接,可以把汽車的相關數據如:發動機轉速、冷卻液溫度、燃油系統狀態、車速、短期燃油修正、長期燃料修正、節氣門開度、汽車故障碼等等經藍牙反映到手機電腦等移動設備中去,是一款非常強大使用非常方便的診斷器。
WIFI OBD2 ELM327 scanner汽車診斷適配器支持所有OBD-II自診斷系統及與其相兼容的通訊協議檢測。其功能暴扣1.讀取通用及汽車製造商特定的診斷故障代碼,並顯示其定義(軟件包含3000多個故障代碼)2.清除故障代碼,並關閉發動機(引擎)故障報警指示燈3.讀取發動機即時動態數據流:發動機轉速、計算負荷值、冷卻液溫度、燃油系統狀態、車速、短期燃油修正、長期燃料修正、進氣歧管壓力、定時提前、進氣溫度、空氣流量、節氣門開度、氧傳感器電壓/短期燃油微調、燃油壓力等等
ISO 9141
ISO 11898(aka. CAN)
ISO 14230(aka. KWP2000)
ISO 15765(aka. CAN)
SAE J1939
By using this device, you can monitor your cars from Android,PC, Mac, iPhone, iPad, to do inspection by yourself! It would save your money and time.
Works with all OBD-II compliant vehicles.
Works on all 1996 to 2010 cars and light trucks sold in the United States, some 1994 and 1995 models are also ok.
Software included in CD for Smartphone, PC and iOS (iPhone, iPad, iTouch, Mac).
Clear trouble codes and turn off the MIL ("Check Engine" light).
Read diagnostic trouble codes, both generic and manufacturer-specific, and display their meaning (over 3000 generic code definitions in the database).
How to see if your vehicle is comliant with OBD II?
Please pop the hood and look for a sticker named "VEHICLE EMISSION ConTORL INFORMATION".
WI-FI OBD AUTO CHECKER is capable of communicating with vehicles which adopt following protocols:
ISO 9141
ISO 11898(aka. CAN)
ISO 14230(aka. KWP2000)
ISO 15765(aka. CAN)
SAE J1939
Following are some of the parameters which could be read from the vehicle.
Vehicle Speed
Fuel Consumption*
Engine Coolant Temp
Fuel Pressure
Calculated Engine Load
Throttle Position
Intake Manifold Pressure
Air Intake Temp
Timing Advance
Mass Air Flow
Fuel Level
Barometric Pressure
EVAP System Vapor Pressure
Fuel Trim
*note: Your vehicle may not support all above parameters. How many parameters you can get is depended on the vehicle manufacturer's implementation.
wher can I get the software?
You can log on to the apple application store to get your commercial software, such as Dynolicious.
There is a freeware in the CD-ROM comes along with the device. You can use this piece of software to config and test the WI-FI OBD AUTO CHECKER.
Material: automotive grade plastic
Operating temperature: -15 to 100 Deg Celsius
Port: 35000
Range: 50 ft (Line of sight)
Antenna: Internal
Power Consumption: 0.75 Watts
Wifi Standard: 802.11a/b/g
Item size: 9 * 5 * 3cm (3.5 * 2.0 * 1.2in)
Item weight: 85g/2.6oz
