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    熱銷推薦 Optech ALTM機載激光測量機 機載三維激光掃描機
    商品代碼: 5095905
    即日起提供日本樂天代購服務-詳見 Rakuten-suki日本樂天代購,謝謝。






                                     ALTM GEMINI


    ALTM Gemini

    A wide-area, high-altitude lidar mapping system incorporating the industry’s only fully-automated Continuous Multipulse (CMP) technology system.



    • Dual beam divergence
    • Integrated video capture
    • Continuous Multipulse (CMP) technology
    • GPS, GLonASS and L-band capable
    • Waveform digitization option
    • Fully integrated imaging sensor options


    • Rapid coverage and data output capability
    • Unrestricted bank-angle capability while maintaining high data accuracy and integrity
    • Intensity capture with large dynamic range resulting in exceptional lidar image quality
    • Ability to operate efficiently in all application areas and altitudes with maximum data density


                                                      ALTM Orion M/C 200                                                   NOW 200kHz

    The ALTM Orion is the world’s smallest complete lidar mapping solution. combining high-density data collection with high-precision results. The very latest in technology innovation and system design, Orion enables cost-effective, reliable surveying in an ultra-compact design, while maintaining all the features and performance benefits you have come to expect.


    • Ultra-compact sensor solution enabling small platform operation
    • Multi-peripheral imaging sensor capable
    • Latest laser technology featuring 200 kHz sampling capability
    • Automated roll compensation for straight data swaths below the collection platform
    • GPS, GLonASS and L-band ready


    • Extremely narrow laser pulse widths enable high measurement precision and accuracy
    • Fully programmable FOV for incredible density
    • Intensity capture with large dynamic range resulting in exceptional lidar image quality and small target detection
    • Modular design approach for ease of installation, portability and serviceability

    Orion-M Series A mid-altitude, high-performance mapping sensor that provides stunning data precision and the accuracy typically demanded for engineering applications. Capable of collecting data at altitudes greater than 2000 m, Orion-M is the ideal choice when small payload platforms and/or multi-application flexibility is desired.    Orion-C Series A low-altitude system for corridor applications wher maximum object detail is required. Whether for its tremendous ground density capability (200 kHz effective) or its ability to operate with complete eye-safety at extremely low altitudes, Orion-C is the preferred choice of industry professionals.


                                                                          ALTM Pegasus

    ALTM Pegasus

    A new benchmark in lidar mapping and active imaging technology.

    The ALTM Pegasus Advantage

    The new ALTM Pegasus represents an open-concept technology platform enabling a variety of configuration options for specific applications and workflows, depending on user requirements. The first of these configuration options is the Pegasus HD400. Built specifically for high-definition mapping applications requiring high-density point sampling, Pegasus HD400 incorporates a wide field of view (FOV) with high range accuracy and precision.

    • Industry’s first multi-channel airborne laser terrain mapper
    • A technology alternative to multipulse, enabling a large operating envelope
    • Industry’s highest data sampling rate for high-definition mapping applications requiring maximum point density
    • A multiple look-angle configuration enabling improved canopy penetration
    • “dro-in” sensor design for unrestricted use of advertised FOV in deep portal installations
    • High accuracy and precision independent of pulse rate, enabled by Optech’s iFLEX™ technology
    • Fully embedded digital camera options ranging from 5 to 60 MP
    • The latest in tightly-coupled inertial and Virtual Reference System processing technology, enabling steep turns and an extended GPS baseline


    The ALTM Pegasus Advantage

    The new ALTM Pegasus represents an open-concept technology platform enabling a variety of configuration options for specific applications and workflows, depending on user requirements. The first of these configuration options is the Pegasus HD400. Built specifically for high-definition mapping applications requiring high-density point sampling, Pegasus HD400 incorporates a wide field of view (FOV) with high range accuracy and precision.

    • Industry’s first multi-channel airborne laser terrain mapper
    • A technology alternative to multipulse, enabling a large operating envelope
    • Industry’s highest data sampling rate for high-definition mapping applications requiring maximum point density
    • A multiple look-angle configuration enabling improved canopy penetration
    • “dro-in” sensor design for unrestricted use of advertised FOV in deep portal installations
    • High accuracy and precision independent of pulse rate, enabled by Optech’s iFLEX™ technology
    • Fully embedded digital camera options ranging from 5 to 60 MP
    • The latest in tightly-coupled inertial and Virtual Reference System processing technology, enabling steep turns and an extended GPS baseline


    A technology platform that takes lidar mapping to the next level:

    • Dense, high-quality data sets
    • Highest sampling rate in the industry
    • Mulitiple look angles
    • Wide operational envelope
    • Fully embedded digital camera solutions from 5 to 60 Megapixels

    熱銷推薦 Optech ALTM機載激光測量機 機載三維激光掃描機_建築檢測儀_量具_儀器、儀表_貨源_批發一路發
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