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WIFI ELM327 檢測機 用電腦或手機wifi搜索到的設備名稱可能是【CLKDevices】【wifi327】【OBD WIFI】
(各位客戶,註意啦,此ELM327 系列產品, 不是萬能的(即不是什麼車都能用), 該產品必須車子ECU協議支持才能用,若買主不能確定自己的車子是否能用,慎拍 !!!產品出貨前都會測試後才發貨,所以因買主車子協議不支持,所產生的一切費用由買傢承擔,謝謝!)
WI-FI OBD AUTO CHECKERis capable of communicating with vehicles which adopt following protocols:
WI-FI OBD AUTO CHECKERis able to detect and interpret these protocols automatically. It also provides support for high speed communications and a low power sleep mode. It use AT commands to communicate with a host device (PC, notebook, iPhone, iPod touch, iPad and so on). There are plenty of software packages available, which are fully compatible withWI-FI OBD AUTO CHECKER. Some of them have pretty useful features, such as engine running parameters monitoring, DTC reading and clearing, MPG meter, etc. You can even write your own software on a specified hardware platform if you wish, because the AT commands are fully documented and very well explained.WI-FI OBD AUTO CHECKERis measuring only 2.7 x 1.25x 0.9 inches, and it comes attached with a 6 ft OBDII cable for easy installation. It also comes included with a power switch built-in to prevent the need for having to constantly disconnect your unit from the OBDII port.It is compatible with 1996 and later vehicles. Connecting to your iPhone / iPod touch /iPad is made by WIFI connection in adHoc mode.
CLK is able to detect and interpret these protocols automatically. It also provides support for high speed communications and a low power sleep mode. It use AT commands to communicate with a host device (PC, notebook, iPhone, iPod touch, iPad and so on). There are plenty of software packages available, which are fully compatible with CLK. Some of them have pretty useful features, such as engine running parameters monitoring, DTC reading and clearing, MPG meter, etc. You can even write your own software on a specified hardware platform if you wish, because the AT commands are fully documented and very well explained. CLK is measuring only 2.7 x 1.25x 0.9 inches, and it comes attached with a 6 ft OBDII cable for easy installation. It also comes included with a power switch built-in to prevent the need for having to constantly disconnect your unit from the OBDII port. It is compatible with 1996 and later vehicles. Connecting to your iPhone / iPod touch is made by WIFI connection in adHoc mode.
With proper software installed in the host device, you may have following parameters read out from your vehicle:
Vehicle Speed
Fuel Consumption*
Engine Coolant Temp
Fuel Pressure
Calculated Engine Load
Throttle Position
Intake Manifold Pressure
Air Intake Temp
Timing Advance
Technical Specifications
Port: 35000
Range: 50 ft (Line of sight)
Antenna: Internal
Power Consumption: 0.75 Watts (With Power Switch)
Wifi Standard: 802.11a/b/g
Operating Temperature: -15 to 100 Deg Celsius
Plastic: Automotive Grade
Physical Dimensions: 2.75 x 1.25 x 1.2 inches
