聊城天馳製藥機械有限公司位於山東省聊城市,地處孔繁森的故鄉,是一座古老的新興城市——“江北水城” !代表中國商業文明的京杭大運河和代表農業文明的黃河在此交匯,貫穿中國南北的京九鐵路和連接祖國東西的膠濟邯鐵路及高速公路在此相交形成“黃金大十字”,交通非常方便。
翟長振 先生(辦公室 總經理)
- 電 話: 86 0635 8722556
- 移動電話: 18865105888
- 傳 真: 86 0635 8722556
- 地 址: 中國 山東 聊城市 聊城市嘉明經濟開發區嘉明路西首
- 郵 編: 252000
- 公司主頁:http://lctcyj.cn.
- 郵 箱:[email protected]
This machine is designed for pressing round tablets from various kinds of granular materials.It is primary machine to fit batch production of tablets.The mechanism of the machine belongs tdoublepress type.It consists of two sets of feed assemblage and pressroller unit.The turret carries 33sets of punches and dies,so 66 tablets Will be pressed for each revolition of the turret.During operation,the speed of the turret rotation,the depth of the filling material and the thickness of the tab-lets can be adjusted.The mechanical buffer unit will prevent punches and apparatus from overload damage.A powder suction unit is atta-ched to take in residual powder during the op-eration,so that the blockage by the residual powder can be eliminated and the collectsd po-wder material can be reused.This machine has won the Fine Quality Product Prize awarded by China National M edical Management Bureau. | | 沖模數 33付 | 最大壓片壓力 40千牛 | 最大壓片直徑 12毫米 | 最大充填深度 15毫米 | 最大片劑厚度 6毫米 | 轉盤轉速 11-28轉/分 | 生產能力 4.3-11萬片/時 | 電動機功率 2.2瓦、960轉/分、380/50伏/赫 | 外形尺寸 930*900*1600毫米 | 主機重量 850公斤 |
| Dies331sets | Max.Pressure40kn | Max.Dia.of Tablet12mm | Max.Depth of Fill15mm | Max.Thickness of Tablet6mm | Turret Speed11-28r/min | Production Capacity4.3-11pc/h | Motor 2.2kw 960r/min380/50v/hz | Overall Size930*900*1600mm | Net Weight850kg |