【成 份】生物磁、遠紅外線、負離子.
Magnetic acupuncture apparatus (5 family size)
【ingredient】: Bio-magnetic, far infrared rays,anion.
【Function】:1200 gauss magnetic energy and 5.6 micron infrared wavelengths, In acupoints to form negative ions.To balance the body metabolism,Improve Circulation,Adjust the human viscera function,Accelerate fat metabolism. opening the meridians and collaterals,Promote blood circulation , Removing blood stasis , Aid metabolism,Relieve Fatigue, Improve Sleep, dispel dampnessadjust the function of visceral organs,promoting blood circulation to remove blood stasis. effectively solve the problem of sub-health of our body.
【service span】Repeated use 6000 times. As long as customers feel tingling and heat can be removed at any time in early time to use.Lately when customers’ tolerance increased, they can use wet towel to hot compress then use the products.
北京昊成妝業生物科技有限公司是京立康石灸運營中心,成立於2007年。我司研發的石灸開創瞭針灸療法不破皮,艾灸療法不用火的奇跡。8年來獲得如下榮譽:“cctv央視網最佳養生減肥品牌” “誠信服務運營商” “中國專業減肥十強品牌” “消費者滿意放心品牌”“世界中醫養生科技創新獎”工廠坐落在魚米之鄉的江西上饒,工廠全稱是萬年昊成妝業生物科技有限公司,工廠被江西省醫療器械行業協會評定為醫療器械理事單位。2009年石灸(無痛針灸器)通過國傢食品藥品監督管理局論證獲的批準醫療器械批準文號,8年來我們申請瞭5項產品專利,這也說明我們石灸(無痛針灸器)已經被國傢藥監部門認可成為針灸、艾灸、拔罐電療的新型替代工具。
電 話:86 010 58200915
地 址:中國 北京市朝陽區 廣渠路21號
