·主要規格: BB-100G標準
·用 途:該產品用於為早產兒和病嬰提供適宜環境,光療燈附件用於新生兒高膽紅素血癥的光照治療。
·有 效 期:2014.02.21
YZB/國 0063-2010《嬰兒培養箱》 嬰兒培養箱由恒溫罩、控製櫃及箱櫃及光療燈箱(附件)、光療燈盒(附件)組成。控溫范圍:在空氣溫度控製下,控溫范圍為25℃~37℃,在特別操作下,最高溫度控製為38℃,該工作方式設置,有黃色警示燈指示;在皮膚溫度控製下,控製溫度范圍為32℃~37℃,在特別操作下,最高溫度控製為38℃,該工作方式設置,有黃色警示燈指示;在正常使用情況,嬰兒艙內形成的二氧化碳濃度不大於0.5%。嬰兒艙內的氣流速度不大於0.35m/s。在正常使用情況下,嬰兒艙的聲級不大於55dB(A)。
1.Though for and pushing, add the water and wash is convenient
2.Microprocessor based servo controlled temperature system
3.Digital display to indicate baby
temp, air temp, set temp, humidity,
time, and percentage of heater.
4.Alarms functions for safety includes:
Power failure
Over temperature
Temperature probe failure
Temperature deviation
5.Silence/Reset button for alarms.
6.Heater is electrically cut off if air/skin temperature insideincubator exceeds39℃.
7.>37℃temperature setting.
8.Integral timer to record therapytime.
9.A keypad lock helps prevent inadvertent changes to settings.
10.Protection while sensor in low temp.
11.Humidity is adjustable continuously
12.The infant bed inclination angle is adjustable
