嘉瑞紗佈廠簡介 河北保定清苑縣嘉瑞紗佈廠在河北古城保定市,北距北京140公裡,東距天津150公裡南距石傢莊145公裡,風光秀麗,交通便利。清苑縣偉強紗佈廠是紗佈 、純棉紗佈、(純棉漂白紗佈)、口罩紗佈、(勞保口罩紗佈)裡料紗佈、雙層紗佈、嬰兒尿佈、收腹帶紗佈、蚊帳佈、(蚊帳紗佈)滌棉紗佈、漂白紗佈、衛生材料、箱包底佈、豆包佈、蒸籠佈、(籠屜佈)洗碗巾、上漿紗佈、包皮佈、皮棉包裝佈、包棉花佈、鬼節紗佈(萬聖節紗佈)、稀網紗佈、壁紙紗佈、墻紙、紗佈、壁紙墻紙基佈紗佈、等工業紗佈產品專業生產加工的私營獨資企業。本廠自建立以來,以其雄厚的實力和良好的信譽同多個客戶建立瞭良好的業務關系,在薄利多銷、互惠互利、共同發展的前提下,取得瞭優異的經濟效益和社會效益。 聯系人:李倩 (銷售員) 電話:13722203636 負責人:楊偉強 電話:13933224807/13582098155 銷售部固定電話:86 0312 8058296 / 0312 8058562 Qingyuan County, Hebei Baoding Jiarui gauze factory ancient city of Baoding in Hebei, 140 kilometers south of Beijing, 150 kilometers east of Tianjin, 145 kilometers north of Shijiazhuang, beautiful scenery, convenient transportation. Wai Keung, gauze factory in Qingyuan County gauze, cotton gauze, gauze lining (bleached cotton gauze), masks, gauze, the (Labor masks gauze), double-layer gauze, mosquito nets (ITNs gauze) C yarn cloth, bleached gauze , sanitary materials, bags base fabric, bean bag fabric steamer cloth the (cloth Longti) the dish towel sizing gauze, package Pibu lint packing cloth, bales of cotton cloth, Halloween the gauze (Halloween gauze), diluted net gauze, and other products private-owned enterprise specializing in the production and processing. The factory since its establishment, with its strong strength and good reputation with multiple clients to establish a good business relationship, in the puerile, mutual benefit and common development under the premise, achieved excellent economic and social benefits. Contact: Li Qian (salesman) Tel: 13722203636 person in charge: Paul Yeung Tel: 13582098155 Sales of fixed telephone: 8603128058296/03128058562 |




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