Bonny baby disposable diaper
With the soft breathable cover of our diaper, fresh air is able to penetrate and circulate through to the interior making your baby dry and comfortable.
Our diaper’s antibacterial polymer intermal surface keeps the bacteria at bay, it is also absorbent to keep your baby dry, clean and comfortable.
Our diaper has all the desirable qualities for your baby’s comfort: adjustable back tapes to provide best fit, they can be reopened to check for wetness and then refastened, soft breathable cover for fresh air to go inside, absorbent antibacterial polymer intermal surface to keep your baby comfortable, dry, clean and safe.
Back tapes can be adjusted to provide best fit for your baby, they can also be reopened to check for wetness and then refastened making sure your baby is dry and comfortable at all time.
主要材質:PE前膠貼, 印花復合無紡佈底膜,木槳,高分子,立體格邊
包裝:4片一包, 120包一箱
