- 產品信息
- 產品名稱: 成人嬰兒一次性尿墊
- 產品產地: 上海
- 產品材質: 親水無紡佈、木漿棉、高分子、PE流延膜
- 產品規格: 45*33、45*60、60*60、60*90
- 適合人群: 嬰兒、女性經期、大小便失禁老人
- 產品特點:采用親水無紡佈,滲透快~保持屁屁時刻乾爽~!進口高分子,高吸水~!PE流延膜,防滲透~!擺脫頻繁洗床單的煩惱
- 產品說明
- 瑕疵品出售一律不退換,主要瑕疵是護理墊邊寬不等, 不夠美觀,不影響使用。親!顏色隨機!
- product information
- product name:Adult baby disposable urine pad
- Product of Origin :shanghai
- product material:Hydrophilic nonwoven cloth, wood pulp cotton, polymer, PE stretch film
- product standard:45*33、45*60、60*60、60*90
- For the crowd:Baby, female menstruation, incontinence, old man
- product feature:The infiltration hydrophilic nonwoven, fast ~ stay dry fart fart time ~! imported high Molecules, high water absorption ~! PE stretch film, prevent infiltration ~! Get rid of the trouble of frequent wash the sheets
- description of products:description of products
Shanghai runningwell industrial co, LTD. Has advanced production equipment, products 70% exported to Japan, the domestic several big brand OEM cooperation, with a number of patents. Welcome customers to order our products, quantity is with preferential treatment, affordable, and provide OEM production.

