廣州博思倫文具皮具製品有限公司是一傢集設計、生產、銷售於一體的企業實體。擁有很強的開發設計能力,其主要產品有電腦包、公文包、經理夾、萬用手冊&筆記本、CD包、錢包、名片包、鎖匙包、票夾等各類皮革製品。原料采用廣泛,主要有各類真皮、PU革、PVC革廣州市花都區新華鎮團結村第一工業園、尼龍佈、牛仔佈、EVA、塑膠、鋁鐵等等。 本公司位於廣州市花都區新華鎮第一工業園,與新白雲國際機場和獅嶺皮革城近在尺尺,便利的交通和方便的原料采購基地使我們具有得天獨厚的優勢。在多年的經營中,形成瞭深厚的企業文化,聚集瞭一大批業內精英。主要以“博思倫(BOSLUN)品牌為主,產品外銷於歐美、日本、新加坡等地,國內很多城市有代理商批發零售。我們以優質的服務、過硬的質量、優惠的價格在同行業中贏得瞭贊譽。“與時俱進,繼往開來”我們以真誠與優質的服務為您創造精美的文具皮具禮品。摯誠歡迎廣大客戶來電來函或光臨我廠洽談業務,願與新老客戶攜手並進,建立產銷的生命共同體,創造雙贏的局勢。
Guangzhou Boslun Stationery Co.,Ltd
Add:First industrial estate,Tuanjie village,Huadu district,Guangzhou
Tel:+86 20 61810592 61810595 61810596
Fax:+86 20 61810590
E-mail:[email protected][email protected]
Guangzhou BOSLUN Stationery Co.,Ltd, combining with design、manufacture and sales. It has a strong development design capbability and its main product contains the computer bags, briefcase, manager folders, organizer¬ebook, backpack bag, trolley bags, travel bags, CD bags, wallets, card package, key package, check folders, comestic packet, desktop bag of office supplies and other products. Extensive use of raw materials, consist of different leather, PU leather, PVC leather, nylon cloth, denim, EVA, plastics, aluminum and iron, etc.The company located in The first industrial, Tuanjie Village, Xinhua Town, Huadu District,Guangzhou that has a unique advantage, both convenient in transportation and raw materials purchasing base, closely to the New Baiyun International Airport and the Shiling International Leather Town. In the years of operation, Boslun has created a deep corporation culture, attracted a large number of industry experts and formated a professional manage team; mainly to “BOSLUN” brand and OEM. Our clients scatter in the United State, Japan, South Korea, Singapore. Our unreserved service, unrivalled quality and unbeatable price in order to our development, to our stability and to our reputation.“Advance with the time, make effors to the future” we create you the elegant leather stationery gifts by our sincerely unreserved service. May we express our hope for all customers’ inquiry or visit our factory, going hand in hand with new and old customers, building the marketing community life, creating a win-win situation.
