真空泵電機功率:2.2kw 電壓 380V
PL6-450 type rectangular handsheet former is the experimental device that fibers are made into rectangular thin slice paper that the size is 480mm x 320mm, vacuum formed by large diameter valves rapid release water and adopts PL0 type that is high vacuum degree of three stage centrifugal pump for auxiliary filtration and molding. Using manual and stirring two ways for pulp uniformity before forming. suit for various Super slice ,ultra thick paper, superfine fiber forming. Subsequent experiments adopt my company production PL8-00 hydraulic press to match for assistant pressing and extrusion moisture. Matching PL7-C flat sheet dryer or PL7-B type quick dryer for drying pattern.
Technical parameters:
Sheet size: 480mm x 320mm forming
Beater cylinder volume: 60L
Vacuum pump motor power: 2.2kW voltage 380V
Pump vacuum degree: -0.092 to 0.098Mpa
The pumping volume: 80 ~ 120L/min
Size: 1700mm x 750mm x 1580mm
Material: 304 stainless steel
Xianyang taist Test Equipment Co. Ltd.
