
  • 供美國應 凝膠成像系統(圖)總代理
    商品代碼: 4616232
    即日起提供日本樂天代購服務-詳見 Rakuten-suki日本樂天代購,謝謝。

     254/302/365 nm

    Save images to the compact flash memory card保存圖象到結構緊湊的閃存卡

    Transfer images to a computer via a network connection通過數據線連接把圖片傳輸到計算機

    6.4" LCD screen for optimum viewing 液晶顯示屏優化觀察效果

    Optional three door models allow easy access for gel cutting

    BioDoc-It imaging system provides low-cost, high quality gel documentation and archiving capability-ideal for imaging DNA, RNA and protein gels. The system allows you preview live images and adjust for over saturation of images through a monochrome CCD camera and zoom lens with 752 x 582 NTSC resolution. Seventeen preset integration times from 0.04 to 10 seconds are available to choose to optimum image capture. Computer is not required for the system. Images can be saved in JPEG or TIFF format to a 64 MB compact flash memory card or be transferred via available network connection. Order optional Doc-IT LS software to analyze images. The three-door option offers easy access to the darkroom interior via the wide access door on the side, ideal for sample placement or converter plates. UV safety switch turns the UV off when the door is opened.

    Power電源 230 VAC
    Dimensions尺寸 27"H x 14.25"W x 12.75"L
    Image magnification圖象放大 8 to 48mm zoom with 760 x 480 NTSC resolution

    供美國應 凝膠成像系統(圖)總代理_其他生命科學儀器_生命科學儀器_儀器、儀表_貨源_批發一路發
    line 線上客服  ID@tsq1489i