深圳市奧德賽創公司供應德國原裝進口PTL插頭引腳耐磨擦試驗機,型號:F36.16, F36.36, 滿足標準:IEC60884-1, EN50075, VDE0620-1
PTL Plug Pin Abrasion Test Machine 16
To determine the abrasion resistance of insulating sleeves of plug pins by moving backwards and forwards
according to IEC 60884-1 :2006-07 § 24.7 and 30.2 Fig. 28,
EN 50075 :1990-07 § 13.3 Fig. 9,
DIN VDE 0620-1 :2005-04 § 24.7 and 30.2 Fig. 29
Standard Outfit:
1.carrier, stroke 9 ± 0.2mm, with support for clamping the specimens with plug pin in-clined 10° to the horizonta
2.eccentric drive unit with geared motor, for 30 -5movements of the carrier per minute,
3.beam, with scraping head, including holding device for the steel wire, with adjustable counterweight
4.set of weights, for loading forces up to 5 N in steps of 0.1 N
5. steel wires, diameter 1 ±0.02mm, bent into a rectangular U-shape, base of the U being for 6 mm length straight
6.electrical predetermining counter, 5-digit, resettable, indicating the number of strokes
7.electric control device, with automatic disconnection of the motor when reaching the
predetermined number of strokes, with push-button for inching with the object of set-ting,
8.eccentric disc for lifting the scraping head
我公司經銷代理德國WAZAU、德國PTL、德國FISCHER、德國PTI、日本NMB、日本NoiseKen、以色列OPHIP、美國MONROE ELECTRONICS等國際知名品牌檢測機器,都可來電咨詢我們這邊價格。謝謝
電線電纜檢測設備 材料燃燒及力學檢測設備 電動工具檢測設備
插頭插座檢測設備 開關壽命檢測設備 電器附件檢測設備
燈具類檢測設備 傢用電器檢測設備 防淋水檢測設備
