
  • Health Physics Instruments (HPI)輻射測量機,美國原裝,質量高
    商品代碼: 4610301
    即日起提供日本樂天代購服務-詳見 Rakuten-suki日本樂天代購,謝謝。

    美國Health Physics Instruments (HPI),專業研發生產各種測量放射線Alpha, gamma , X線,放射源如中子,離子等的機器設備。1987年FWT公司收購瞭HPI。 目前HPI在中國的銷售份額逐年擴大。產品廣泛用於物理科研、環境監測、衛生防疫、輻照生產等行業。


    health physics instruments hpi7530 1 x 1 NaI Scintillation Detector
    1010 Tissue Equivalent Survey MeterMCA1 7010 +_ 7014
    1010-B Beta Chamber AddMCA2 7010 + 7014 + 7530 _7010
    1010-E Reset Push Switch AddREM500 Neutron Survey Meter
    1030 Pulse Ion Chamber Survey MeterREM500-CM244Curium Source Option (check for availability)
    2030 Low Energy Area MonitorREM500-MCA Serial Option
    2080 Pulse Neutron Survey MeterREM500-ND Rem 500 W/o Detector
    4020 Shadow Contamination Survey MeterREM500-RM1 Remote Detector
    4022 Signal Gamma Survey Meterhealth physics instruments
    4080 Canary II DosimeterRate Meter Calibration
    4080F Canary II Dosimeter, Quantity of 10Before and After
    4083 Canary III DosimeterAdditional Probe
    4083F Canary III Dosimeter, Quantity of 10Extra Complicated
    4083F Canary III Dosimeter, Quantity of 100Dosimeters
    4084 Canary IV DosimeterBefore and After for Dosimeters
    408XB Canary Batteries 10 Pack (BR2325)Neutron Rate Meters
    5000 Cypher Digital Survey MeterBefore and After Neutron
    5000-SS Shoulder Strap for CypherNeutron Dosimeters
    5085 Meridian Neutron Survey MeterLeak Test Analysis 1st Wipe
    5085-AC 100/220V 50/60 HZ Power Supply OptionRefill 1010 Detector
    5085-He3 Helium 3 detector installed in place of Bf3Rebuild 1010 Detector
    5085-XTM Extended Range Moderator to 2 GeVreplac 1010 Detector
    5500 Pancake ProbeRefill REM 500 Detector
    5505 Pancake Probe W/Fine Cu/Be ScreenRebuild REM 500 Detector
    5530 Gamma Scintillator 1 x 1replac REM 500 Detector
    6010 Large Area ReadoutPancake GM Tube
    6012 Local Readout/Controller4080 Switch
    6014 Pulse link Receiver4083 Switch
    6020 Low Level GM Detector (Pulse link)health physics instruments
    6025 Digital Controller/ReadoutBNC-BNC BNC to BNC Straight 1 M
    6030 Low Level Ion Chamber DetectorBNC-C-1M BNC to C Straight 1 M
    6031 Ion Chamber Detector (Pulse link)BNC-MHV-1M BNC to MHV Straight 1 M
    6035 High Level Ion Chamber Detector A and BBNC-SHV-1M BNC to SHV Straight 1 M
    6060 Neutron REM detector, Extended RangeTIE1 Hook and Loop Cable Ties
    6060-He3 Helium 3 detector installed in place of Bf3MHV-MHV MHV to MHV straight 1 M
    6065 Neutron REM detector, Anderson BraunNote: Longer cables available. Please call for
    6065-He3 Helium 3 detector installed in place of Bf3MHV-Cable MHV on 2nd end of cable
    6120 6060/6020 Breakout BoxSHV-Cable SHV on 2nd end of cable
    health physics instruments hpiC-Cable C on 2nd end of cable
    7010 Rainbow MCAMHV-Mount Mounting MHV in place of BNC
    7014 Preamp/HV for Rainbow Model 7010SHV-Mount Mounting SHV in place of BNC
    7021 Shoulder Strap for 7010C-Mount Mounting C in place of BNC
    7100 BNC/BNC Cable for Rainbowhealth physics instruments

    Health Physics Instruments (HPI)輻射測量機,美國原裝,質量高_安全儀器_專用儀器儀表_儀器、儀表_貨源_批發一路發
    line 線上客服  ID@tsq1489i