太陽能信息情報車 一、太陽能信息情報車概述: 太陽能車載信息牌是新一代的道路安全設施,由發光元件(LED),鋼架,電動裝置,控製箱,線束,通信電纜,終端遙控等組成。LED是以矩陣的形式顯示,字體或圖表的高度可達20.32厘米到50.8厘米,可存儲預先設置的多種程序,包括文本和圖表(可按客戶要求設計).它利用警示牌上方的太陽能電池將白天的陽光轉換成電能儲存於警示牌中,當夜幕降臨或光線昏暗時,警示牌上的發光元件自動啟動發光,其閃爍的光線明亮、醒目、有強烈的警示作用. 二太陽能信息情報車特性: 1、太陽能板:電壓: 18V/150W, 電池:12V/100A. 2、尺寸:1220mm X 2240mm 常規:1536*768mm, 具體可以根據客情製作。 3、顯示形式:矩陣 4、亮度:15000 mcd 5、顏色:琥珀色或其他顏色(可選) 6、波長:592 nm 7、像素:36pixel X 16pixe根據客情製作。 8、語言:可選 9、字體:可選 Vehicle mounted message signs: Vehicle mounted message signs are becoming very popular because they allow traffic control professionals to effectively communicate with motorists. Driver distractions are at an all time high. Vehicle mounted message signs over increased visibility, advanced warning and superior traffic control by giving the motorist specific instructions. Vehicle mounted message signs come complete with display LEDs, steel frame, electric actuator, in cab control box, all wiring, communications cable, hand held terminal (HHT), and software. The LED features a full matrix display, which allows for 8” up to 20” characters and un-segmented graphics. It can store up to many pre-programmed message sequences, combining both text and graphics (available on request). Its small size and lightweight allows a single person to easily maneuver and handle. Features: - Solar panel: 150W; Batteries: 12V
- Sizes: 48”H x 96”W (Available on request)
- Display: a full Matrix or character Matrix Luminance: 15000mcd
- Color: Amber or other colors
- Wavelength : 592nm
- Pixel dimensions: 36pixel X 16pixe
- Languages: Any of your choice
- Character: Use any Font in System
- Demension: Message panel: 48”H x 96”W
Length of frame: 101” Trailer width including fenders: 68” Total weight: 1,400LBS |