產品圖片 |
產品特點 |
鍍古銅 貓眼門鈴一體 |
生產能力 |
我所在位置(標題+圖片) |
聯系方式 |
聯系地址:浙江省 金華市 浦江縣 經濟技術開發區平七路889號 聯系電話:13738914760 傳真號碼:0579-84236609 騰訊QQ:157217953 阿裡旺旺:zhouhoulong888 |
公司簡介 |
浙江龍佳壓鑄五金廠位於浙江省浦江縣,緊鄰中國小商品城-義烏,交通便利,環境優越,物流快捷。 我廠是專業生產各種模具、五金產品的廠傢,有著多年的專業製造五金壓鑄的經驗,擁有多名高素質的產品開發及五金壓鑄技術人員,目前擁有最先進的五金壓鑄設備。自建廠投產以來,勵志圖新,不斷進步,使本廠製造模具的產品暢銷國內各大城市和地區,產品具有機械性能好、幾何尺寸精確、色澤均勻、光潔度好、耐腐蝕等特點,品質可靠有保證。 我們的主要產品有拉手把手系列,鎖具系列,飾品系列,零配件系列等五金產品。我們熱忱歡迎國內外廣大客商前來洽談業務。本廠還辦理來料加工、也可按客戶要求定做產品。 Zhe Jiang Long Jia Casting Hardware Factory is located in Pu Jiang County, Zhe Jiang Province, close to China Commodity City - Yiwu.It has convenient transportation, beautiful environment and quick logistics. Our factory is specialized in producing all kinds of mold, die casting manufacturers and we have many years of professional experience in manufacturing metal die-casting, and also we have many high-quality and technical staff professional in metal die-casting and product development. We have the most advanced metal die-casting equipment in our factory . Since we have built the factory , we are always bent on innovation so we continuous improving. Professional skills make our products sold to many big cities and regions of China. Our products have good mechanical properties, precise geometry, uniform color, lighting surface, corrosion resistance and many other good characteristics.Quality reliability is guaranteed. Our main products are pulling handles, lock seriers, parts seriers ,jewelry seriers and other metal products. we warmly welcome all merchants the worldcome to negotiate business. The factory is also for processing,and produce the products in customers'requirements.
聯系方式 |
聯系地址:浙江省 金華市 浦江縣 經濟技術開發區平七路889號 聯系電話:13738914760 傳真號碼:0579-84236609 騰訊QQ:157217953 阿裡旺旺:zhouhoulong888 |
浙江龍佳壓鑄五金廠位於浙江省浦江縣,緊鄰中國小商品城-義烏,交通便利,環境優越,物流快捷。 我廠是專業生產各種模具、五金產品的廠傢,有著多年的專業製造五金壓鑄的經驗,擁有多名高素質的產品開發及五金壓鑄技術人員,目前擁有最先進的五金壓鑄設備。自建廠投產以來,勵志圖新,不斷進步,使本廠製造模具的產品暢銷國內各大城市和地區,產品具有機械性能好、幾何尺寸精確、色澤均勻、光潔度好、耐腐蝕等特點,品質可靠有保證。 我們的主要產品有拉手把手系列,鎖具系列,飾品系列,零配件系列等五金產品。我們熱忱歡迎國內外廣大客商前來洽談業務。本廠還辦理來料加工、也可按客戶要求定做產品。 Zhe Jiang Long Jia Casting Hardware Factory is located in Pu Jiang County, Zhe Jiang Province, close to China Commodity City - Yiwu.It has convenient transportation, beautiful environment and quick logistics. Our factory is specialized in producing all kinds of mold, die casting manufacturers and we have many years of professional experience in manufacturing metal die-casting, and also we have many high-quality and technical staff professional in metal die-casting and product development. We have the most advanced metal die-casting equipment in our factory . Since we have built the factory , we are always bent on innovation so we continuous improving. Professional skills make our products sold to many big cities and regions of China. Our products have good mechanical properties, precise geometry, uniform color, lighting surface, corrosion resistance and many other good characteristics.Quality reliability is guaranteed. Our main products are pulling handles, lock seriers, parts seriers ,jewelry seriers and other metal products. we warmly welcome all merchants the worldcome to negotiate business. The factory is also for processing,and produce the products in customers'requirements.