鑫川原塑膠製品廠 位於廣東 博羅縣, 本廠成立於2007年初,是一傢專業生PVC,TPU吹氣產品的廠傢,擁有4KW-50KW的大小高週波熔接機數十臺,員工150人,管理和技術力量雄厚,有著豐富的設計開發人員數名,根據客人來樣,來稿進行設計生產,對外還可承接加工業務.本廠主要生產PVC吹氣產品,如:沙灘球,浮排,充氣沙發,充氣床墊,充氣玩具,水上用品,沙灘玩具,廣告禮品,升空氣球,充氣模型,水上步行球,草地滾球等.本公司秉承"顧客至上,銳意進取"的經營理念,堅持"客戶第一"的原則為廣大客戶提供優質的服務,歡迎廣大客戶惠顧.
The plastic products factory is located in xin sichuan guangdong BoLuoXian, our factory was established in early 2007, is a professional born PVC, TPU blow air products manufacturers, with four KW-50 KW size high frequency welding machine dozens of, the staff 150 people, the management and strong technical force, has the rich design and development staff several, according to the guest to sample, design and produce, arid foreign also can undertake processing business. Our factory mainly produces PVC blow air products, such as: beach ball, float the row, inflatable sofa, air mattress, inflatable toys, water supplies, beach toys, advertising gift, launch balloons, air, and water walk ball, model lawn bowls. The companies adhering to the "customer first, forge ahead" business philosophy, adhere to the "customers first" principle to provide our clients with quality service, welcome the masses of customers wholeheartedly.
⑴ 材料(Material):普通PVC或6P環保PVC(不含鄰苯二甲酸鹽)
⑵ 規格(size):根據客戶要求
⑶ PVC材料顏色(color):按照國際色卡號定
⑷ 印刷(pritting): 絲印或四色網點印刷(按照客戶提供的電子版AI格式圖案)
⑸ 包裝(Package):單個OPP袋,外箱為出口標準紙箱。
⑹ 交貨期(Delivery time):樣品確定後20天(具體交貨期要根據客人的數量來定)
⑺ 主要市場(Main market):全球
